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S.M.I.L.E. – School Maths In Learning English

The analysis of problems met in each school showed similar problems: the lack of students’ interest in learning (especially Math and Science), the problems with the use of foreign languages in communication, insufficient openness to other cultures. The S.M.I.L.E. project will cut down these negative trends and strengthen cooperation between students, teachers and local communities.The goals of the project are learning foreign languages, using Mathematics as a universal language of communication, getting to know other cultures including increase of respect for the cultural differences and appreciation of our own culture. The project focuses on testing and using effective modern teaching methods adapted to students’ abilities and needs, which will increase students’ interest in learning both foreign languages and Mathematics. Students will cooperate in planning and doing the products of the project e.g.: English-French-Polish Maths dictionary, a project website, a social network, a brochure, origami Maths models and films.Teachers will analyse, compare and use different methods in teaching including computer programmes, on-line teaching and CLIL. Teachers will do keynote presentations (slideshow), screenplays of lessons and tests which will be presented and discussed during on-line meetings and visits in the partner’s countries, then published.Both students and teachers will develop and increase European dimension through linguistic, scientific and cultural exchanges.
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1 Partners Participants