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S.M.A.R.T. KNOW. NET. - Skills Matching And Route for Training Knowledge Network

SMART KNOW NET built on the success of KN, developed by IRFI and currently operating in province of Rome, by developing the software product and experiences gained, by enhancing the cultural and national diversity offered by a Latvian University and an Italian University, an experienced ITC small company in Greece, a Chamber of Commerce in Poland and a Public Employment Agency in Spain (in the first year substituted by the entrepreneurial association of Aragon - Spain). KN is a development process, supported by a software tool, which helps VET, other professionals and SMEs in assessing skills mismatch, providing evidence of professional development needed to meet the requirements thus offering greater precision in HR development and training. Main objectives were: transfer and validation of KN at EU level developing a standalone software tool to SMEs and VET to assess skills mismatch and plan continuing professional development, against individual and corporate goals as well as a conceptual framework and the associated processes for analysing and processing skills mismatch; create a pan-European tool, localised for different countries, to help SMEs and VET describe competence in a transparent and transferable way; offer the KN software in the public domain and to establish a network of providers of KN support services. Main outcomes: Consolidation of the existing KN infrastructure by guaranteeing the adoption in other countries of those activities and services that currently contribute to the effective support of skills mismatch assessment and processing to support the drawing up of professional development plan. Evolution of this infrastructure towards a robust and persistent European system, by enhancing the existing services, by deploying new services/tools including support for adoption of common taxonomies.

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