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S Erasmem+ zavádíme C.L.I.L. a učíme moderněji
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Firstly, the main goal of our project is to make better our pupils' abilities for foreign languages. That is why the improvement of teachers' skills should be achieved. Up to now we have offered special musical and mathematical classes. In our region there is a great deal of international companies, so we wish to make our pupils ready for this working market. Currently we need to inovate our teaching in heterogeneus classes , approaches to culture and we also aim to spread C.L.I.L. in our primary and low. sec. classes.These are the goals of our project:1. Introduction of modern teaching methods and learning strategies2. Involvement of disadventaged groups of pupils3. New approaches for teaching culture and accenting of EuropeanismParticipants' profiles:1. Primary teacher - teaches French low. sec. classess for 10 years, B1, active participation in inland seminars, language course in France because of difficult pronunciation, communicative skills and other specifics of French.2. Low. sec. teacher - teaches German since 2003, prepares school events and trips, uses authentic materials, method. course in Germany - new approaches in learning culture.3. Primary teacher - 17 years teaching EN young and primary pupils, followes trends, uses ICT, method. course for young learners by using ICT, Ireland. 4. Assistent manager - 18 years of teaching EN primary classes, inland seminars, manager of school projects, B1, language-method. course in Malta - new approaches in teaching primary pupils.5. Primary teacher - teaching EN young learners for 20 years, provides class projects, uses ICT, B1, language-method. course - interactive and projects teaching for young learners, Malta.6. Primary teacher - 3 out of 13 years teaching young learners EN, B1, language-method. course in UK - C.L.I.L.7. Pedagogical Assistent - she works with learners with special needs, leads drama classes, plans it in EN, B1, language-method. course in UK - teaching of disadvantaged learners. 8. Low. sec. teacher of Geography and P.E.- 13 years teaching experience, provides ICT, sports and Geography events, B2, language-method. course in UK for C.L.I.L. , spreads europ. a. global thinking, culture.9. Low. sec. teacher of Geography and P.E., provides sports events, floorball couch, method. course for C.L.I.L. in Sweden, spreads europ. a. global thinking, culture.10. Low. sec. teacher of CZ, P.E. - teaches English (16y.), provides sports events, B2, method. course for C.L.I.L. in UK.11. Low. sec. teacher of CZ, German, teaches EN (3y.), method. course in Finnland - heterogen. groups (high level of school educ.)12. Low. sec. teacher of CZ, German (16y.) and EN (6y.), coordinator of the project, supports teachers in their proffessional growth , method. course in UK - teaching culture, method. course in Germany, summer 2018- heterogeneous groups, inclusion, prepares a follow-up project for low. sec. pupils.13. Low. sec. teacher of CZ, History - teaches EN for 6 yars, technical supporter of the project, takes advantage of ICT, creates videoprojects, uses etwinning, method. course in Norway - ICT and videoprojects.Following activities and evets will be accomplished:Signing of contracts, preparatory meeting in spring 2016, the following one in September 2017, communication and sharing ideas and teaching experienceon social network, selfevaluation, testing of pupil's language skills, choosing of courses, booking, arranging of transport tickets , accomodation, payments of services, studying of language and culture, mobilities in summer 2017, one of them summer 2018 (Ger., partic.13), monitoring of mobilities, testing pupils, evaluation reports, PPT, mutual sitting, other ways of widening of outputs in school and in the public, final testing of pupils knowledge. We will spread C.L.I.L., organize sports and music events in EN, communicate easier on school trips to european countries, create performances in foreign languages., start drama class in EN, include disadvantage pupils, manage to teach heterogeneous groups more effectively, introduce new approaches for teaching culture, , take more adventage of ICT, ask for KA2 - pupils' mobilities, motivate pupils to communication via ICT and using foreign languagues in their freetime (communication with foreign pupils), we integrate new knowledge onto our school educational programm, get better pronunciation (audios), make videoprojects, we put together a collection of methods, We will also widen our thinking in european and global way, make outputs of this, strengthen the ability for solving problems, support team work, loyality to school, employment of our graduands in foreign companies of our region. Our school will be ready to include disadvantaged pupils and pupils from foreign countries. .

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