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S'envoler pour l'Europe.
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Léonard de Vinci is a vocational school situated in the outskirts of Périgueux, in a rural area. There are about 330 pupils, mostly from low-income families.During three years, they prepare the National Baccalauréat Professionnel diploma. There are 5 kinds of Baccalauréat courses in Léonard de Vinci : - Hygiene Cleanliness and Sterilization- Electrotechnics- Boilermaking- Fashion and Sewing- Machining Technician- Industrial BoilermakingThese three years courses include compulsory work placements.Many pupils started these studies because their level was not high enough to go on studying in traditional high schools.As a consequence, many lack motivation and hope in their future. Moreover, there are not enough links between pupils and teachers from each professional field.We needed a project to motivate our students. We want them to have faith in their school, in their studies and in their future.Regular staff meetings gave birth to a European project we called "Flying to Europe".We started to open Leonard de Vinci to Europe welcoming and sending Portugueses students in work placements.We are also memebers of Aquitapro Consortium, sending pupils in 6 months work-placement in Europe after their Baccalauréat exam."Flying to Europe" consists in sending 20 last-year pupils in a 4 weeks work-placement to Malta.10 pupils from the 5 industrial fields would go in September 201610 pupils would go in March 2017We would repeat this scheme in September 2017 and March 2018.One teacher would travel and stay with each group the first 3 days of work placement.Two teachers or members from managing staff would travel to Malta at the end of each work placement to evaluate the pupils, meet partners and work on an environmental european project we started this year.Our partner is StageMalta. This organization has much experience in drop-out young people and European projects including Erasmus.During their work placement, our pupils would have three tutors : - a French teacher (mail and skype correspondance)- a tutor from StageMalta (weekly meetings)- a work placement tutorThe benefits of this scheme would be :- more team work among our staff- improving the English level of our pupils (intensive training sessions during holidays have already started, English teachers and professional teachers working and teaching together technical English, E-learning...)- improving their professional skills- pupils being proud of their curriculum- giving an aim to their last year work-placement- federating all pupils around a motivating project and a 4 weeks stay abroad.- improving our school attractiveness- improving our pupils' results at the national exam- giving them the opportunity to have a "Mobility Unity" on their Baccalauréat diploma.- expanding our European environmental projects finding new partners in Malta.- working on an exchange with a high school in Malta- linking our French town, Périgueux, to a Maltese town, enabling more students, cultural and economical exchanges to take place, particularly in the tourism field.

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