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Rural Waters - Rural Income. Development Along Waterways (Rural Waters)
Start date: Dec 31, 2003, End date: Dec 30, 2006 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The operation "Rural Waters - Rural Income – Development Along Waterways" is focusing on the development of regional business opportunities in rural regions. In the face of structural changes in the participating regions, which are all rural areas along waterways, the participating regions are systematically assessing and promoting joint opportunities to boost tourism and related employment in their regions. Objectives A number of tourism-related infrastructure projects in the participating regions have already been supported by EU Structural Funds. One of the objectives of "Rural Waters" is to increase their effectiveness by creating packaged products, increasing regional attractiveness and creating networks between main actors. Overall the operation aims to secure income in rural areas and strengthen regional potential by fostering water tourism in five European regions. Results uThe operation improves the capacity of the participating authorities to profile their regions in the tourism market. It helps to create better packaged tourism services and improve the marketing and branding of the regions' tourism offers. It also improves cooperation between public authorities and private tourism operators and delivers training to these operators to help them to better attract and serve specific target groups. Activities include the establishment of working groups to exchange experience, benchmark regional practices and develop joint products. These working groups focus on tourism for disabled people, youth tourism, fishing and white-water tours and the promotion of regional products. Regional tourism databases have been created by the partners to facilitate networking and communication between actors and operators in these tourism sectors. An assessment of training needs has been completed and various training seminars are being implemented. The partners have developed joint marketing activities and materials and have organised on-site visits to facilitate know-how transfer.
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  • 72.6%   992 713,19
  • 2000 - 2006 Interreg IIIC East
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

5 Partners Participants