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Rural Business Information Exchange System - RUBIES (RUBIES)
Start date: Sep 14, 2003, End date: Sep 13, 2006 PROJECT  FINISHED 

With the rapid expansion of ICT and increased business use of the internet, rural (especially peripheral) SMEs should no longer be disadvantaged in the knowledge economy as they are able to access a wide variety of business information to generate knowledge. However, Rural SMEs often lack the skills and knowledge of ICT needed for sustainability and growth, while they also lack support for these services. Inconsistencies have been identified in information provision and although gaps still exist in some information areas, information overload is also becoming a more critical issue. The RuBIES project seeks to address the problems faced by rural entrepreneurs in sourcing, processing and using pertinent and timely business support information to make efficient and effective entrepreneurial decisions. Expected Results: • Identification of information flows and media in rural SMEs• Analysis of the demand for and supply of information and services• SME ICT skills assessment• Matrix-matching identification of SME user groups, information and service gaps and blockages• Participatory demand driven information system design and Meta-data infrastructure design. This specification will lead to outsourced bespoke technology development• The innovation in this project lies in refining widely the results of the research phase and the technology watch into new solutions developed from the user perspective. Through the solutions developed, new business possibilities will be easier for the entrepreneurs to find and develop, and in many ways also improve the efficiency of their businesses• The long-term effects of the project are to widen and strengthen the enterprises business and new networks to the regions. New enterprises are supported after the project by the new network and advisory services of partner organisations, and new business activities by the model created during the project.
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  • 49.9%   355 954,00
  • 2000 - 2006 Northern Periphery
  • Project on KEEP Platform

6 Partners Participants