Search for European Projects

''Rule of Law in the European Union: Acquis or in quest thereof?''
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The rationale of the proposal lies in the emphasis given by the Democritus University Faculty of Law to European Union studies. The need for the specific project lies both to the fact that the Faculty of Law is new to Jean Monnet Actions, and to the significance of the rule of law, which constitutes a value of the Union and a feature of its ‘’constitutional quality’’. Its implementation requires the deepening in european legal studies. The aim is to provide a reliable scientific answer to the question whether the principle of rule of law consists an acquis or we are in quest of it at the European Union level.The project is expected to deepen teaching in European Union studies, also to students from other departments, conduct research, provide training to compulsory education, organize activities, targeting policy makers at local, regional and national level.The products of the project are twelve teaching activities (1335 hours in total), five of them new, twelve deliverables (eight of them also in English), two search activities and three events.As far as it concerns pedagogical strategies, apart from the lectures, students will be involved in constructivist and research activities.The proposal is innovative to the Jean Monnet action and the University in terms of academic content, new teaching methologies and media used (CD ROM/Distance Learning, website), Offer of Open Educational Resourses (Open e-class) and disciplines. A large variety of tools will contribute to make the project known and understood by a large number of stakeholders and the general public. The website will host releases at all stages of the program’s implementation. Printed material and the use of social media can be proven valuable tools.Students of graduate and post graduate level (total: 3286 students) will be the main beneficiaries of the project. Professionals of variant academic background will either participate as learners or will be invited as guest lecturers.

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