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Rozwój zawodowy nauczyciela drogą do sukcesu
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our project is titled " Professional development of a teacher is a way to succes". This title is giving a clear definition of a develompnet school as a whole through personal improvement for a local and global society. The main goal of this project is widening a cultural and language awareness of our teachers. The specific aim is developing practical skills of communication in English. In this project are going to participate twelve teachers working in our school very hard engaged in our international school projects leading by our Primary School No 34 in Częstochowa. These hard working people teach different subjects such as: Art, Polish, Maths, PE, ICT, Music, Early Stage Teaching and others. Teachers are obliged to prepare and learn their elementary vocabulary and functional phrases before they travel to Great Britain in order to improve their knowledge of English. Basic results of the project "Professional development of a teacher is a way to success" will be better language skills and integration of our teachers with European team of leaders at other schools. Long term benefits will be tunderaking new challenges of school cooperation in the whole Europe and next Erasmus+ tasks. The main aims of European integration and improving language communication are going to be done.The aim of the project is the mobility of staff in order to increase the quality of the school's work in four areas: increasing qualification of staff, language skills, increasing the European dimension of the school and impl ementing new techniques, methods and technology in teaching.The project aims at developing the quality of the school's work in the teaching areas, acquiring new teaching skills and developing teachers' competences an by si increasing the motivation of students to learn languages. The time abroad will constitute to developing new bonds with EU teachers, which will aim at creating international projects possibilities. English teachers and key educational staff are going to take part in the project. The total number of 14 people. The combined teaching staff, who work with 6-year-old students will become acquainted with the new, active methods of teaching.
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