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Rozwój uczestnictwa młodzieży w życiu gospodarczym poprzez opracowanie i wdrożenie innowacyjnej platformy międzynarodowej
Start date: Feb 1, 2015, End date: Jan 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project involves the creation of an innovative educational tool in the form of an international virtual game, which, as a non-formal education tool, will affect at the increase of the knowledge level among young people about entrepreneurship and international markets, but also shape the attitudes and values important in the business sector. The Cooperation with Portuguese and Slovakian partners will help in dissemination of this tool in other European countries. With the international cooperation, young entrepreneurs will discover specifics of the foreign markets, learn various kinds of activities necessary in the collision with different cultures, deal with the specificity of working in diverse environmental conditions of the international market, and moreover, - get the knowledge about the local and regional traditions. The project will take the form of simulation game, where the player creates fictitious companies and presents to the other participants the scenarios of problems, arising from the business activity. Via the online platform, participants will have the opportunity to establish contacts with partners from their country and abroad and solve the problems together, cooperating with each other. Making the game available for public use will be preceded by a 2-year test phase, for which there will be previously classified a selected group of 50 people. Stage of testing and sharing the game for public use will be preceded by a research conducted among Polish adolescents h in the initial phase of the project (qualitative research conducted with 5-6 groups and quantitative research CAWI performed on a sample of 1,100 people), and comparative research in partner countries. Through them we will diagnose the state of awareness and knowledge of European youth about entrepreneurship. Results of the project: 1. The publication of research effects; 2. The creation of an online platform; 3. The development of a simulation game; 4. The publication of the final report. Tools developed in the framework of the strategic partnership will be available publicly in three languages: Polish, Portuguese and Slovak. That kind of solution will enable you to reach a wider group of potentially interested people.

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