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Rozvoj tradičných remesiel a umenia v podmienkach súčasnej doby
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Project entitled "Traditional Arts And Crafts Development In Present Time" is aimed at professional development of a high school´s pupils by the training in companies and handicraft workshops oriented at art work with wood, ceramics, mosaic, textiles, photography, as well as at acquirement of theoretical knowledge and above all, practical professional skills. The goal is knowing traditional materials and new technological procedures, development of ability to communicate in English language, enlarging of vocabulary with words of art, knowing new culture and its confronting with our ancestry´s cultural heritage, and what is important, making it easier for the future graduates to find work and enter European labour market. There are six partners engaged in the project: Secondary Art School in Kežmarok from Slovakia, Kato Drys Community Council from Cyprus, and 4 partners from Spain: euroMind, Luminosos Ruvira, Balta Fotógrafo and Museo de Alfarería Paco Tito. Project participants are the pupils of Secondary Art School in Kežmarok, aged 16-18, studying specializations of advertising art, scenic costume creation, conservation and restoration of wooden artistic objects and photographic design who will take part in 3 weeks-lasting professional training in Spain and Cyprus, each group comprising of 12 pupils accompanied by two teachers. Project includes 4 phases: - preparation phase where all the partners and participants are involved, concerning organizational arrangement of both mobilities: work placements, tutors, travelling, accommodation, catering, insurance, cultural programme, preparation of participants - professional training - mobility to Spain, working in photographic studio, museum and workshop of ceramics, graphic design studio, cultural programme, trips to cities in Andalusia, visiting museums, galeries and historical monuments - professional trainig - mobility to Cyprus, working in handicraft workshops oriented at wood carving, restoration work with wood, ceramics, mosaic, weaving, embroidery of "lefkaritics", cultural programme, visiting museums, galeries and historical monuments - final phase where again all the partners and participants are involved, concerning final evaluation of the project and dissemination of its results and outcomes, its promotion in media, organization of workshops and expositions, using and imposing the newly acquired knowledge and skills in the learning process at school. The outcomes will be Europass mobility Certificate and ECVET for the participants which will help them when applying for a study at university as well as to find a job after graduating. Using ECVET is being worked out with our partners in Cyprus. Besides improvement the quality of school lessons by applying the acquired knowledge and skills in the subjects of specialization, using new methods and techniques, their incorporating in teaching curricula, propagation of the school, region and Slovakia in the world, this project will enable to know the culture and the job opportunities in the partners´countries, contribute to propagation of European Union projects, as well as to encourage other schools and companies to participate at similar projects.
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5 Partners Participants