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Rozvoj školy a kvality vzdelávania
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The priority of the school is the integration of school subjects through a foreign language - CLIL (Content Language Integrated Learning) in primary school and bilingual forms of teaching at the high school. The project was aimed to increase the quality, content and procedure of the teaching process and improve the quality of the school . We emphasize further personal and professional development, acquisition and improvement of linguistic and professional competences and modernization of teaching through IT . Training of the staff is the primary objective of the development of the quality. The teaching of English begins in kindergarten, so we offered a course for kindergarten teachers in the methodology of English language in pre-school education. Main needs of our school is to achieve language competence of primary teachers at B2 level and high school teachers at C1 level and improve the methodology of their subjects through a foreign language. The aim was to become familiar with a wide range of teaching technique in primary, secondary and tertiary education, develop language skills and show how published authentic materials can be adapted for CLIL classes. The aim of training teachers of English is to learn and expand their skills in methodology and didactics of foreign language teaching, use innovative teaching methods and gain confidence in their own language competence. Using interactive approach will result in increased communication level of the students . The course "quality management" was an opportunity to share best practices and improve management skills. Considering the focus and vision of the school, there were 24 planned mobilities, we realized 26 mobilies. We have chosen: 1. 2 kindergarden teachers who attended a course "CREATIVE TEACHING APPROACHES IN EARLY YEARS AND PRE-SCHOOL EDUCATION" in Italy, were trained in the methodology of teaching in pre-school education to improve their competences, the conditions for selection was the knowledge of the English language at least B1. 2. 15 teachers 1st and 2nd grade of primary schools, grammar schools were trained in the methodology CLIL / bilingual education methodology courses in the UK; criteria for selection of teachers was the knowledge of language at the B2 level, they teach, or will teach subjects using CLIL / bilingually, work in the school for at least a year and have signed a contract for an indefinite period, 3. 4 English teachers were trained in the methodology and didactics of foreign language learning - 3 teachers in the UK and one teacher in Malta, the criteria for selection of teachers was that they meet the qualifications for teaching a foreign language, work in the school at least for a year and have a contract signed on indefinitele period 4. 5 school staff - Director, Deputy Director, Head of departments attended courses "New School Environment" and "School Management" in Joensuu in Finland and "Teach, Learn and Quality Course" in Lisbon Portugal on the development of the quality management system in the school. The project has an impact on all parties involved: 26 participants, 68 kindergarten kids, 305 primary school students and 150 high school students, 43 colleagues and the organization. We expect to improve the educational process and the quality of the school. Kindergarten teachers have improved their knowledge and understanding of creative approaches in early childhood education,and thus improve the quality of early childhood education. Participants of CLIL courses attended the course with the aim to increase the linguistic competence of a foreign language, improve teaching skills using CLIL methodology, use interactive and communicative teaching methods . English teachers aimed to extend their knowledge in pedagogy and methodology of teaching foreign language, gain confidence in their own language skills, use innovative techniques and approaches and modern interactive methods that will increase students motivation . Participants will prepare a presentation with practical examples and share good practice from the course within the methodological associations and department committee, invite colleagues to observe classes, create methodical sheets for teachers and worksheets for pupils. The course on the quality of school management will result in a proposal of at least one systemic change relating to the management of the school, or individual organizational units . Participating in a course opens the way for further cooperation and establishes partnerships with teachers and pupils from partner schools and with other participants of the courses.

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