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Rozvíjajme a podporujme profesionálny rast praxou v zahraničí
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Secondary nursing school is educational and training activity concentrated on vocational training graduates in the fields as healthcare assistant, masseur, dental assistant and orderly (evening one year of study). Students carried practical teaching in contracted hospital FNsP J.A.Reimana in Prešov and in social departments such as retirement homes and orphanages. Practical exercises are included in the curriculum in the third and the fourth grade and their realization is a condition for accession to the final exam. Host institution committed to our students to issue a rating, which is part of students clasification from vocational subject nursing, assistance and medical documentation in field of study medical assistant and from vocational subject massages and phototherapy, hydrotherapy, termotherapy, balneotherapy in field of study massager. Competencies of our school graduates in a branch of study healthcare assistant are focused on offering a basic nursing care, active cooperation with team members in a diagnostic and healing process, performing an administrative work and to management documentation. Competences of our students in a branch of study of masseur are focused on demonstration of practical skills at a massage therapy, a reflex massage, a manual lymphatic drainage massage and healing procedures in hospitals and social facilities . To complete four weeks of a professional practise in the third grade of study is condition to finish a secondary education at our school. The project is focused on a professional intership of 16 third grade students studying of a healthcare assistant, masseur and supervisor. The students performed professional practise in the hospital in the Czech republic from August to September in 2015. The aim of the project is to support development and enforcement of acquired professional and comunicative skills in changed conditions, to improve quality and access to a professional training and to improve their horizon in branch of study. In our project we intent to increase the interest in studying in the particular branches and to increase a level of professional and practical skills as well as to improve students language skills. We would like to enable our students to use their knowledge, practical skills and experience acquired at school and apply various methods of basic nursing care in the branch of study of a healthcare assistant. Furthermore, we would like to enable our students studying in a branch of study of a maseur to use various techniques of massage and participate in healing procedures in hospital. During the internship they can compare a system of basic health care with an active presence of our students with procedures used in a healthcare facilities of our partner country. They can compare different approaches in the facilities in the partner counties. The participants of the internship gained a view about various possibilities how to assert themselves on a job market in EU countries and all of these aspects can motivate them to long-life learning. Through this project we would like to increase their chances to find a job in EU because we are a region with the high rate of unemployment. A new enviroment develops their ability to adapt themselves to different systems of healtcare organization, to learn different methods, language needs of country and hospital. They learned to participate and cooperate in a medical team in therapeutical and diagnostic perfomances, to prevent immobilization syndrome prevention, to cooperate with a physiotherapist on massage therapies. Students can aquire skills in performing an administrative work using hospital s information system. At the same time they have possibility to integrate themselves into cultural and social enviroment of a partner country. Our partner facility Karlovarská krajská nemocnice a.s had ascertained about our quality of education and preparation of health workers in Slovakia.

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