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Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project provided weekly practises the type of job shadowing for 20 people connected with professional education in Malopolska. To project We recruited (with the gender of equality representatives) of the two professional groups related in preparing young people for pracitical work in the profession connected in conducting examinations apperntice and master and employees of the Chamber of Craft and Enterprise straight related with the organization as the Master exams connected with institution of Crafts Vocational School. The goals of project were: - Raising professional competence 20 craftmen with the title in the profession: hairdresser, car mechanic, employees of Malopolska Chamber of Craft and Enterprise and show them methods used by teachers from Germany in the professional training. - Study of innovative techniques workshop with the students in the vocational education; - Learning realities of teachers work in Germany; - Raising language skills of German language 20 members. Planned project activies as like: Job Shadowing, guided by group of teachers at the Center of Education In Erfurt, meeting with the teachers of vocational schools with which the Chamber working in Erfurt, who showed methods of classes and examinations raise the quality theoritical and practical in Poland and better learning results. Departure of members will take a place in 2 rounds: 1. First round: 11 people (hairdresser, employees of Chamber); 2. Second round: 9 people (car mechanics, 2employees of Chamber); Each group observed ( job shadowing ) the ways of learning, methods of examinations and equipment and organization of work experience in the Education Center at the Chamber of Craft in Erfurt. A creation of project connected is with a need contiinuos development progress of methods development of training programms and the same training methods with examination methods, observing practice exams apperntice and Master, exercices, tasks, tools, helping materials or package of exam questions. Also at the time of being activities they known system of German education, met with culture activities of Chamber in Erfurt with functionality Craft in Germany. The experience earned during the project will help enrichment program and raise quality of professional skills. From 01.09.2014 Malopolska Chamber of Craft and Enterprise in Krakow opened Professional School of Craft. People connected with project were tought practical classes at the school. The project improved cooperation between education and professional training with German and Polish. For all interested sides to a largee degree contribute to promotion of teachers and students the idea of mobility on the European labor market. Gained during the project skills was confirmed the Europass Mobility which will confirm the type of job shadowing practice and purchase of new skills, language, social and intercultural in Germany. Influence the project on the further action of the Chamber is very significant, more than 1,500 students recruited for professional training will be able to take advantage of the knowledge acquired by the staff, which will increase the quality of teaching in Malopolska. Project results have been shown in the form of a seminar, open lessons and developed material in the form of a presentation, which will be circulated to all partner under the Chamber of guilds and cooperatives. Time scheduled to practice the type of job shadowing is also used to formulate proposals on the proposed changes in our Chamber, which must take care of enrichment and modernization of methods of education, be prepared for its expand, depending on the needs of the labor market, which is possible only by skills upgrading professional staff and gaining of their new experiences.
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1 Partners Participants