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Romatizmal Hastalıklarda Hemşirelik Bakım Girişimlerine AB Desteği, Romatoloji Hemşireliği Stajı
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The name of Project “ The supplement of EU to nursing care of rheumatismical disease, vocational training of rheumatology nursing”. In this Project 57 students are going to attend from nursing department of vocational and technical Anatolian high schools and 6 teachers –master in their field- are going to accompany to them. Rheumatismical Disease ( RD ) is the problem of widespread and public which defeats of quality of living, limits socially, physically and psychological of people. All around the world, in EU countries and in our country RD is the third disease from hypertension and disease of respiratory system. There are over 700.000 rheumatismical patients in our country. In spite of RD is known old person disease, nowadays it’s occured on youth people even children. RD is occured in every season and there are a lot of types. If not taken precautions effects disability and fatality. In according to data of rheumatology organization, at least 80% or 90% of people have a pain in back or knee in their life in all over the world and our country. Rheumatoid arthritis effects ¾ of over 70 year old people, osteoporosis effects 1/3 of 50-70 year old women and 2/3 of over 80 year old women. In according to data of DSÖ both of these diseases are the second after cardiovascular diseases. In according to data of TUİK the period of life is approximately 73 years in our country, in 2020 will be 75.5 years as expected. RD and rheumatismical diseases are increasing with ages. Beside geriatric diseases in old population RD effects pain, limited movement and formation deformity in articulation, mutation of constitutional and functional in all systems and organs. It effects negative to the quality of life to use extra equipment or in a dependent capacity. RD effects heart, kidney, lung, nervous system, cells of eye and blood. If there is no clinical intervention these changings effect negative to the life of person. RD is the first disease of high cost diseases. In nursing profession “rheumatology nursing” is head the list of health staff for the purposes of caring and treatment of these patients. There is need nurses that has experience and qualification will apply care, treatment, supply psychological support, in RD and rheumatismical disease. In this project our aim is; learning early diagnosis, treatment, nursing care, rehabilitation programs at the level of EU, joining specific knowledge and equipment into the vocational educational system and training well-qualified nurses. Besides obtaining experience, knowledge and capability of participants, developing self-confidence, vocational language and intercultures communication are purposed. Of this education and practising in EU countries, product that is consist of rheumatology nursing care will be produced. There will be booklet, brochure, visual materials, presentations, short corporote movie in this product. The probable consequences of this project are; developing participants’ knowledge, capability and experience after developing them. They reflect to the quality of caring, treatment and rehabilitation, so the quality of life and period increase of target group, supply to the economic developing of our country. We aim to widespread of produced product in health vocational education and foundation. The project movement period is 21 days, 3 movements and each movement has 19 participants. Between 6-26 March 2016 there will be 3 movements to Holland, Italy and Spain. Total period of project is 12 months. The beginning date of the project is 07 September 2015, final date is 07 September 2016.

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