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ROADEX Network Implementing Accessibility 4.1 (ROADEX IV)
Start date: Jun 30, 2009, End date: Jun 29, 2012 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project aims to bring about real operational change in the construction and maintenance of rural roads across the Northern Periphery through a combination of consultancy services, demonstration projects and education. ROADEX developed services (strategies) and products (technologies) will be used on local roads by local Partners supported by a ROADEX consultancy service and knowledge centre. Joint research and development will also continue into the effects of climate change, road widening and health issues arising from poorly constructed roads. Achievements: The ROADEX Implementation project continues to make good progress against its project plan. All planned tasks are underway across the Partner areas and beginning to produce tangible results. The Project is on target to deliver 30 demostartion tasks. More than the planned 23 demonstration tasks, 3 research tasks and e-learning lessons. The project is keeping the scedule. The Demonstration Projects: D1 Drainage Maintenance Guidelines. Timo Saarenketo of Roadscanners Oy appointed as lead researcher for the Task; Contacts established with lead individuals in Partner offices in Finland, Greenland, Iceland, Ireland, Norway, Scotland and Sweden; Road surveys carried out in Ireland, Highland, Western Isles, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Iceland and Greenland; Surveys using method descriptions made in winter 2009/10 and transferring the skills on to local engineers/technicians. Introducing new survey techniques of thermal imaging camera and laser scanning; New method of recording outlet ditch condition by cameras mounted at right angles to survey vehicle; Interpretation of survey data, identification of specials areas, and work scheduling underway; D2 Road friendly vehicles and TPC. Professor Pauli Kolisoja of the Technical University of Tampere appointed as lead researcher for the Task: Contacts established with lead individuals in Partner offices in Finland and Scotland. Local working groups set up; Private sector haulage companies approached to assist in demonstrations of the new technology; Surveys for reduced tyre pressure demonstrations in Scotland and Finland completed; Full range of single tyres, twin single, super single, and maxi-tyres included; Interpretation of survey data underway; D3 Forest Road policies. Svante Johansson of Roadscanners AB appointed as lead researcher for the Task; Contacts established with lead individuals in Partner offices in Sweden and Scotland. Meeting with Partners in Luleå to agree strategies for works on forest roads; Integrated surveys carried out in Scotland and Sweden; ROADEX method recognised as most effective rehabilitation method, and at cheapest cost due to less material being used; Reports being produced on Gleann Mor road and Glenfiddich road, Scotland Still to estimate road life lengths and costs. ROADEX Seminar held Luleå in January 2011. ROADEX method found to be the most cost-effective solution presented; Timmerleden road rehabilitation carried out in August 2011 using ROADEX design;Timmerleden report published D4 Rutting, from theory to practice. Professor Pauli Kolisoja of the Technical University of Tampere appointed as lead researcher for the Task; Contacts established with lead individuals in Partner offices in Finland and Scotland. Triaxial testing programme underway; Monitoring demonstration sites in Finland and Sweden; Design theory being updated with new data from triaxial testing and demonstration sites; Report on schedule to be published June 2012 D5 Roads on Peat. Ron Munro of Munroconsult Ltd appointed as lead researcher for the Task; Contacts established with lead individuals in Partner offices in Ireland. Meetings held to identify demonstration road sections Agreement to carry out integrated road surveys on identified 2011 maintenance roadwork sections in January/February 2011; GPR & FWD road surveys carried out on identified sections of the N56 and N59 public roads; Interpretation of survey data underway; Workshop to be held in Carrick-on-Shannon, 27 October 2011; Report on ROADEX in Ireland being prepared. D6 Health and Vibration. Johan Granlund of Vectura Consulting AB appointed as lead researcher for the Task; Contacts established with lead individuals in Partner offices in Finland, Norway, Scotland and Sweden; Demonstration routes identified: The Research Projects: RE1 Climate change and its consequences on the maintenance of low volume roads. Ron Munro of Munroconsult Ltd appointed as lead researcher for the Task; Working group identified; Initial climate change research reported; Questionnaire issued to Partners and analysed for their concerns & practices; Climate Change workshop held in Inverness on 19 October 2011 Report ready and published on website RE2 Widening of roads. Timo Saarenketo of Roadscanners Oy appointed as lead researcher for the Task; Contacts established with lead individuals in Partner offices in Finland, Ireland, Norway, Scotland and Sweden; State of the art survey complete Questionnaire and report has been published; Field surveys carried out at selected sites in Lapland, Sweden, Norway, Ireland (peat) and Highland; Data collected has been analysed; Plan to publish a final report and pocket book on best practice. RE3 Vibration in vehicles and humans due to road condition. Johan Granlund of Vectura Consulting AB appointed as lead researcher for the Task; Contacts established with lead individuals in Partner offices; Agreed that Task will identify standards of road maintenance & operations in winter that give acceptable effects on health. First survey in winter conditions carried out in March 2011. Summer surveys complete; Task will evaluate the benefits of TPCS on vibration transfer to the driver seat. ROADEX E-learning – Four ROADEX elearning lessons are being written: Stakeholders in the road districts and academic institutions consulted; E-learning lessons identified as below; Lead managers and package working groups identified; Aims and priorities for lessons agreed; Reporting periods agreed; Budgets agreed & accounting commenced Translators identified; Translation budgets agreed; Project publicity media confirmed; Internal and external communication commenced; E-Learning suite to comprise four eLearning lessons : Permanent Deformation Road construction over peat Drainage of roads Environmental considerations of low volume roads Lesson A complete and on website; Lesson B on website and being reviewed; Lesson C draft out for consultation; Lesson D being prepared; Translators appointed; Translations into Finnish, Icelandic, Greenlandic, Norwegian, Swedish commenced. The ROADEX Website – the website was launched on 15 June 2010 and has been populated will all ROADEX materials to date. This website aims to be the one stop shop for all matters pertaining to the management of rural low volume roads in cold climates. The hits on the website is around 2 500 hits per month. See The ROADEX Consultancy – the Consultancy has been established and is giving advice to the Partner organisations on a range of issues from road survey and interpretation, through to training. The ROADEX IV project ends 2012-06-30. This was the fourth ROADEX project since 1998. As a result of the termination of ROADEX IV, no more funding will be available from the Northern Periphery Programme. The cooperation will continue under a new name, ROADEX NETWORK. The future cooperation is needed in order to take care of the ROADEX legacy in form of the knowledge centre, including the website, e-learning system, results, reports etc. The network will continue to share best practice, research and develop new knowledge, implement and test new solutions and follow up on the use of ROADEX knowledge etc. The partnership has agreed to continue the cooperation and form a secretariat. This will be financed by an annual member fee. A partner agreement and secretariat will be in place in ther second half of 2012. Products and services:Title: The ROADEX Knowledge Centre An online repository on the management and maintenance of low volume rural roads in cold climates containing all ROADEX case studies, technical reports, research papers, demonstration results, contact details, etc. and the living legacy of the ROADEX projects.More information see:, The ROADEX Consultancy Service A consultancy service giving advice, support and assistance on the design and management of rural low volume roads. The service comprises a team of ROADEX experts experienced in the technologies and methods developed by the ROADEX projects including experts in partner organisations, external consultants, universities and research institutes.More information see:, The ROADEX Elearning Suite A free of charge, web-based training course on how to build, manage and maintain low volume roads aimed primarily at the in-house training of partner staff, but has also been tested by universities and is already being used for the training of undergraduate engineers. The material consists of four eLearning lessons on “permanent deformation”, “drainage”, “roads on peat” and “environmental considerations”.More information see:,

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  • 55.2%   1 194 205,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Northern Periphery
  • Project on KEEP Platform
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10 Partners Participants