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River Avon cSAC: demonstrating strategic restoration and management (STREAM)
Start date: Aug 1, 2005, End date: Sep 30, 2009 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Background The River Avon Site of Community Interest (SCI) supports more than 180 aquatic plant species, outstanding fish fauna, the annex II species Desmoulin’s whorl snail (Vertigo moulinsiana), and numerous nationally important species. The Avon Valley Special Protection Area (SPA), located in the same area, includes one of the largest expanses of floodplain grassland in Britain. It is internationally important for its wintering populations of Bewick’s swan (Cygnus columbianus bewickii) and gadwall (Anas strepera), and has nationally important populations of waterfowl, rare plants, invertebrates and protected species for which Biodiversity Action Plans (BAPs) have been prepared. The catchment area has an intricate history of settlement and land use. The River Avon and its tributaries have been heavily modified, reflecting usage over many centuries. As a result, the river’s ecological function and watercourse habitat has been damaged. Fishing is an important source of income to landowners along the river system and generates local employment. There is some conflict between water level managers and the protection of the aquatic species that qualify the site as Site of Community Interest (SCI). Objectives The overall objective of the project was to demonstrate the restoration of the River Avon Site of Community Interest (SCI) to favourable conservation status through a catchment approach, and to integrate the management of the SCI with the adjacent Avon Valley Special Protection Area (SPA). In particular, the project would address issues that were identified by the River Avon SCI Conservation Strategy, produced through the LIFE in UK Rivers Project (LIFE99/NAT/UK/006088). Specific objectives were to restore the watercourse habitat and conditions for associated species in the River Avon SCI and to demonstrate a range of innovative river restoration techniques appropriate to chalk rivers, for local, national and European audiences. The project also aimed to develop a coordinated management of the River Avon SCI and the Avon Valley SPA, balancing the requirements of the qualifying interests of each. Six demonstration sites for river restoration were to be established throughout the River Avon. Innovative techniques and proven fish habitat enhancement methods would be combined to restore the favourable condition of the river’s ecology. Protocols would be developed to coordinate the management of the River Avon SCI and the Avon Valley SPA. Methods would be developed to protect fish species from entrapment in SPA ditch networks. A programme of ditch restoration would be developed to integrate the conservation objectives of the two sites. Results The project met its specific objectives by: Implementing restoration works and demonstrating a range of traditional and new techniques in different river habitats; Disseminating project experience to a range of local, national and EU audiences, working with the UKRRC and Living River; Producing best practice guidance on sluice operation, distributed to relevant landowners and operators in the SAC; Publishing ditch management and fish (including Atlantic salmon) exclusion measures and dissemination to relevant landowners in the SPA; and Improving stakeholder and public appreciation of the sites and species through use of a project website, workshops, leaflets, posters, media publicity, open days, sign and display boards and layman’s reports.The conservation benefits of the project for the River Avon SAC and Avon Valley SPA are as follows: Physical features and geomorphological processes of the watercourse habitat were re-established at six river restoration demonstration sites in the River Avon SAC; Approximately 7 km of river and banks were enhanced and woody debris introduced; An estimated 0.36 ha of new spawning area for Atlantic salmon, bullhead and lamprey was created. Atlantic salmon are already spawning on the new gravel; SPA floodplain restoration works were prioritised to avoid damaging SAC fish species, and a new prioritisation process was created and applied to approximately 30% of the SAC/SPA; and Principles were developed for hatch operation to benefit SAC fish species and water level dependent habitat in the SPA. Further information on the project can be found in the project's layman report and After-LIFE Conservation Plan (see "Read more" section).
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