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Retraining VET Schools Principals & Staff
Start date: Nov 1, 2015, End date: Oct 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

RETRAINVET Project is encompassed within the actions of mobility of professionals and staff FP for centers and other agents of the network member of Xarxa FP in Spain cities. The project is part of the activities scheduled by Xarxa FP to work together with other European educational institutions, towards improving the quality of VET as a facilitator towards the realization of the objectives of the Europe 2020 strategy. The exchange of knowledge and professional mobility is essential to foster a sense of belonging to Europe, in addition to a formative role in policy, promoting cultural exchange, intergenerational and language training of our professionals that facilitate rapprochement between countries EU. Managers need to know other ways to work, teach and lead a school and successful strategies in other countries are implemented in relation to VT for a better transition to the workplace.Sending partners are the councils of cities Xarxa FP de Alcoy, Barcelona, Gandia, Madrid, Mislata and Reus, the Education Consortium of Barcelona, the Institute of Education of the City of Barcelona and the Barcelona VET Foundation, and the final participants in the project are directors, members of management teams, teachers, trainers and professionals from different schools of FP of the Spanish cities XARXA according to the characteristics of each action. The overall project objectives are to know the education system and FP of each of the partner countries, their organization and management structures and skills; deepen knowledge and experience implementing ECVET in Finland; deepen practical alternating system (school-business), know the relationship between schools and the business environment; promote cooperation between schools and educational institutions at various levels including teacher; encourage the use of foreign languages, work culture, cultural exchange and inter-generational. The activities of the training period are: meetings on education and the Finnish and German VET systems (A1) orientation and training throughout life, validation and accreditation of work experience; encounters between pairs; educational meetings with managers and planners at regional and local levels; visits to companies that hire students practice; comparative analysis of basic skills; visits to VET; meetings with officials of training and further training of those responsible for delivering the FP. A2 activity is the provision of training capsules in the field of Hospitality and Tourism program as agreed. Finally, in each of the cities days of disseminating knowledge acquired by all each participant that will serve to disseminate, compare and evaluate potential, weaknesses and possible adjustments to our system of visits and experiences be organized. Once the process is expected to other educational professionals participating cities know directly and to compare advantages and disadvantages of an educational system FP. The project will be deployed at two levels within the segment of professionals involved in training: a first action (A1) with a flow directed to 22 participants with professional management capacity and power of local decision (educational institutions) and training centers undertake training in Rovaniemi (Finland) and a second stream having a direct impact in the short term, for 20 teachers and department heads of those schools providing training courses and Electricity and Electronics Renewable Energies to perform a formative stay in Germany in the Berlin city coordinator of diverse experiences the sector. Possible long-term benefits of A1 action are improving professional skills of the key participants in the educational framework and the FP of cities and, therefore, in Spanish territory. The impact is expected to achieve the A1 is to help create knowledge models alternative to general education system, facilitating the reduction of dropout rate, increased employment, full employment (especially among our youth) and reduction social exclusion and / or long-term poverty. With the A2 done for 6 teachers, is to deepen the curriculum of studies of professional families mentioned to make a comparison , meet new technologies that allow us to collaborate with professionals from other countries to improve educational quality, analyze how they are organized and monitored practices in business, what is the relationship with the business sector in how the school and professional families objective is organized. Moreover, encourage the creation of strategic partnerships that allow them to deep into common issues or transfer methods and structures that recognize and joint European level (ECVET) training.
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4 Partners Participants