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Restoration of wetlands in dune habitats (REWETDUNE-LIFE)
Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jul 31, 2019 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Background The 30 km long Skagen Odde in northern Denmark is one of the World’s largest headlands. On a national and European level, the headland contains one of the largest coherent areas of grey dunes and dune heath. This pristine nutrient poor and vulnerable headland forms an important part of Denmark’s natural heritage. However, the area faces a number of on-going threats, such as a lack of natural hydrological conditions, invasive alien plant species (IAS), the degradation of sensitive areas due to traffic, and the loss of, and disturbance to, breeding areas for key animal species (including predation on nests). Objectives The project will tackle all threats at local level, in order to significantly improve the conservation status of the wet and dune habitats 2130*, 2140*, and 2190 on the two northernmost Natura 2000 sites in Denmark (the terrestrial part of SAC: DK00FX112 and SAC/SPA: DK00FX005). It also aims to create favourable conditions for the species, Botaurus stellaris and Tringa glareola. Expected results: Using best practice techniques, the following project results are expected: The restoration of natural hydrological conditions, leading to an improvement in the conservation status on 1137 ha of habitat type 2190. This will be achieved through the closure of 44.1 km of ditches; The removal of tree encroachment on 1000 ha. Clear cutting of 12.24 ha of plantations, resulting in the development of the habitat types 2130*, 2140* and 2190; The mapping and subsequent clearing of the IAS plant species, Rosa rugosa and Heracleum mantegazzianum from an area of about 200ha; Scrapes on 22.7 ha in order to improve the breeding opportunities for Botaurus stellaris; The controlled mosaic burning of 500 ha, and the establishment of grazing on 200 ha. Decreased predation by Vulpes vulpes on the nests of Tringa glareola through the implementation of a predator control programme; Increased public awareness of the value of wet and humid dune habitats and the necessity to restore them (via information and communication campaigns).

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