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Restoration of habitats rich in trees and shrubs (BushLIFE)
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2020 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Background Skåne is traditionally one of Sweden’s most highly productive farming counties. It is also rich in biodiversity. Habitat conditions in the southern part of the county are particularly dependent on recurrent management by farmers, but changes in agricultural practices have had a negative impact on the quality of important biodiversity areas. Habitat degradation and fragmentation now represent significant threats to the long-term sustainability of key areas. Urgent remedial action is therefore required to improve the conservation status of grassland habitats. Objectives The main aim of the BushLIFE project is to restore a favourable conservation status for several semi-natural grassland habitat types and create optimal conditions for associated species in a total of 629 ha in 18 Natura 2000 sites in the county of Skåne. The project also aims to increase the habitat quality and conservation status of three species listed in Annex II of the Habitat Directive, one species in Annex IV and one bird listed in Annex I of the Birds Directive. Expected results: 16 restorations plans produced for the project; Restoration of 325 ha thorough clearance of trees and bushes; Restoration of 15 ha by cutting woodland; Plantation of 254 ha with 20 190 trees, 2310 bushes, and 500 metres of hedge; Restoration of 31 ha through prescribed burning; Restoration of 290 trees through veteranisation (a technique aimed at increasing the speed of aging in trees); Improvement of habitat quality by creating 37 large stumps; Increased survival and reproduction rates for the dormouse (Muscardinus avellanarius) through the placement of 700 artificial nests in suitable bushes; and Production of 214 information signs, 15 leaflets, a book and a film.

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