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Renovación Artesanal, Diseño y Cultura
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Driven by its concern and desire for constant renewal, La Escuela de Arte y Superior de Diseño de Mérida is commited to quality training within the educational framework that borderless EU provides through Erasmus + Programme. Our primary goals are to deepen the exchange of experiences and methodologies with our partners, to strengthen collaboration between the institutions involved in this project; to benefit from mutual enrichment, to enhance our students' work expectations as well as to contribute to broaden our staff and students' European awareness Focused on the technological and multicultural aspects of the artistic expression and the acknowledgment of design as a vehicle for cultural transmission, the relevant issues to our project are: Creativity and Culture Problems related with the job market Recognition, transparency and certification To develop our project, our proposal is based on students mobilities and mutual cooperation between institutions. In total, we are applying for 2 mobilities for VET learners traineeship The 12- month project is intended to be developed in 3 stages: The first preparatory stage will be devoted to provide information about the project and to select the participants. The participants' selection will be carried out in a fair, transparent, coherent and documented way. Once selected, our School will provide participants with language and culture preparation as well as labour legislation in the host country. For that purpose, the students will attend language lessons and members of our teaching staff will prepare specific lessons and activities. The second stage deals with the mobility period itself. Participants will receive a one-week training and adjustment period at the host institutions. After that, the students will do a three-week traineeship in the same institution in the case of the Pottery student and in an enterprise selected by the host institution in the case of the Stone Carving student. Participants will be monitored by their tutors in both institutions and their mobility period will be regularly evaluated by their tutors/ mentors in order to identify any circumstance related to their training and mobility period. The third stage takes place at the end of the mobility period and involves mobility certification and recognition, dissemination of the participants' mobility experiences and the exploitation of the mobility results in order to achieve maximum impact of our project. The host institution will certify the mobility period and send a final report on the participant's performance. The sending institution will recognize the mobility period as long as the learning agreement for traineeship has been fulfilled and the results provided by the institutions' report prove to be positive. Recognition will be granted by the sending organisation either by validating the participant's Workplace Training Programme if it is the case, or, together with the host institution, by certifying the mobility period by means of the European mobility document, Europass. The dissemination and exploitation of results will be coordinated by the Responsible Person of International Programmes and managed by the Head of the Department for the Promotion of Art and Extra-curricular Activities. Apart from the dissemination of experiences through all the institutions' websites, we intend to achieve greater impact through mass media, by promoting exhibitions for the project's outcomes or, alternatively, in the case of art pieces whose completion takes longer, the participants will show models, sketches and/or photographs taken at different times of the creative process. The participants will be required to present their mobility dossier to the school community in a public event. The exploitation of the project's results is guaranteed by means of the documents included in the participants' dossiers as they will later become part of the classroom resources and will serve as reference of different methodological approaches for both reviewing and improving our own methodologies; what will be reflected in the VET Programmes syllabus. In this dossier, participants will record the techniques, methodologies and materials observed or experienced during their mobility periods as well as work management and organization, tasks distribution at the workshop, commercialisation, target audience, origin and development of the new designs for production including those produced by the craftsman, the company, external designers, and so on. Together with the reports obtained by the people responsible for monitoring the participants, this third stage will help us with an objective assessment of our project in order to identify its weaknesses and strengths so as to improve our proposals in future European calls for VET projects.

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