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Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

He project is based on long-term cooperation with partners. The main objectives are: - Implementation of ECVET to ensure the quality of vocational education and training - High-quality vocational education and training - Foreign methods, processes and technology - Compliance with the European Qualifications Framework EQF - Extending cooperation with foreign institutions for international dimension of education and training - Preparing a student for practice - Facilitating mobility - Use of Europass The project includes pupils of fields: mechanic setter (17), operator of timber and furniture manufacturing (7), a mechanic (1) machinist (1), toolmaker (1) and carpenter (1). Mechanic setter (7 students) -manipulation of conventional machine tools with varying degrees of automation -manipulation, setting but also in programming CNC machines -setting, operation, maintenance and repair of machines Basic skills are gained within practical teaching in vocational training and professional workplaces. The students during their study are given the opportunity to work with modern graphics software and programmable CNC machine manufacturing. Operator of timber and furniture manufacturing (8) -manual processing wood materials -DATA technical documentation - machining resulting from the production technology of a particular product Basic skills are gained within practical teaching in vocational training and professional workplaces. The students during their study are given the opportunity to work with modern graphics software and programmable CNC machine manufacturing. Toolmaker (2) -production parts, forms and fixtures -assembly of assemblies and subassemblies and forms -assembly of preparations (drilling, turning, measuring, universal) Machinist (2) -production parts according to drawings by turning -production parts according to drawings milling -production parts according to drawings drilling -production parts according to drawings by grinding Mechanic (3) Manual and machine production of simple parts -welding of metals using 111 or 135 method -correction, assembly and disassembly of machinery -correction of machines - replacement of bearings, belts, working fluids carpenter (7) -performing of professional work in the production of furniture and equipment -production builders joinery, light wooden buildings, garden architecture, sporting goods, toys, household and economic needs, packaging, flooring -repairs and renovation of joinery products -production control Description of activities: - Application of ECVET learning units in foreign secondary schools and organizations, their verification in a foreign environment when applying new methods and procedures in accordance with the European Qualifications Framework. - Internship in professional workplaces organizations, respectively. in professional workplaces secondary schools - 6 hours per day - Learning of a foreign language - language training led by supporters and local instructors (average of 2 hours per day depending on other activities) - Training of core subjects (technology, professional drawing) The methodology of the project is precisely determined by the positions (management and financial management of the project coordinators and mentors. The main result is a pupil, prepared for the application of acquired knowledge in practice. • work in the workplace under the guidance of mentors deepen existing skills and contribute to the acquisition of new competencies in vocational subjects, • integration into the workforce, • independent solving of tasks, • teamwork, • improving language and communication knowledge and skills, • positive effects of the new environment on personality development of internship participants, mainly from the development of independence, self-discipline, • Cultures and its differences, people and their mentality in the host country, respecting local customs, • Europass The long term benefit is of course not only for the student but also for the school: - Application ECVET, - Prerequisites for adapting their objectives and tasks to single European labor market - Better connecting the school to the labor market, - The relationship between theoretical and practical teaching, - Attractiveness and competitiveness of school - Contacts with institutions and companies abroad - Developing further cooperation in other projects - Innovations in school program (content, methods, know-how) - The competitiveness of its graduates on the labor market in the Czech Republic and the EU: - Reduce the risk of exclusion of our graduates as young people from jobs, - Usable output in the next educational process (documents of linguistic and cultural preparation in a foreign language, thematic enrichment and curricula experience from internships).
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4 Partners Participants