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Rehabilitation of medieval Voievod Court Lăpuşna for touristic visits (HistoryTour)
Start date: Oct 3, 2013, End date: Aug 2, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Enhancing cross-border cooperation between regional communities in the field of cultural and historic tourism, unlocking the potential of regional communities, improving tourism infrastructure and increasing the number of visitors, promoting the image of historical and cultural value of the locality and its inclusion in regional tourism circuit. Expected Results: The promoted Road of medieval towns with the inclusion of the Voivodal Court of Lăpuşna and new opportunities created for cross-border cooperation in cultural exchanges, business development and tourism; Facilities in the tourist complex on medieval sites (Gate of the customs house, cellars, guesthouse at the Voievod Court); Development of a Signs System for the tourist route "the Road of medieval towns", Inclusion of the upper-mentioned tourist objects in the national tourist circuit and attraction of domestic and foreign tourists; Boosting the cross-border effect by arranging tourist accommodation in 5 partner medieval locations; A diversified and developed local economy thanks to a renewed and better promoted tourist sector;

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  • 89%   617 970,35
  • 2007 - 2013 Romania-Ukraine-Moldova ENPI CBC
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

7 Partners Participants