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Regional Mobilizing of Sustainable Waste-to-Energy Production (REMOWE)
Start date: Nov 30, 2009, End date: Dec 15, 2012 PROJECT  FINISHED 

REMOWE aims to contribute to a decreased negative effect on the environment by reduction of carbon dioxide emission by creating a balance between energy consumption and sustainable use of renewable energy sources. Reduction of carbon dioxide emissions and use of renewable energy sources are broad areas and this project will focus on energy resources from waste and actions to promote implementation of energy efficient technology in the Baltic Sea region within the waste to energy area.The focus is to catalyse utilisation of waste from cities, farming and industry for energy purposes (electricity, heat, fuels) in an efficient way in the BSR region. PP from Sweden, Finland, Poland, Lithuania, Estonia and Germany represent both far developed regions in the field as well as regions in which the level of energy utilisation of waste is currently low. E.g. Germany possesses valuable experiences of producing biogas and these will be shared and transferred through this project to other regions. First (WP3) partner regions (PR) will investigate the current status, bottle-necks and needs for development and innovation. Secondly (WP4) the PRs will jointly study possible future status and paths to get there, taking into consideration the basis of each region. Tailored innovation processes (IP) will be organised in five PRs, using internet-based platform to gain views and wishes from versatile players in the field. Special innovation days will be organised in five PRs, combining PPs and external experts. These IP will result in action plans for supporting SMEs and recommendations for improving regulations and strategies in regions. In WP5 waste-to-energy concepts will be explored in North Savo region, Finland by means of a regional modelling pilot based on modern computational methods and geographic information systems. Outputs include strategies for technology transfer, good practice solutions, action plans for supporting SMEs in the implementation of new technology, creation of new business opportunities and technology investment proposals within the waste to energy area. The project will provide guidelines for data specification and gathering for the purposes of regional modelling of waste-to-energy concepts. The project will give new ideas how to foster new innovations with the aid of modern IT. To support project activities and involve key stakeholders in the project, open seminars will be organised in each PR. Networks of SMEs, universities and authorities will be formed and utilised in the PR. SMEs to be involved in project activities to facilitate project to reach results and implement strategies in practice after the project. Achievements: The project's main achievements are knowledge compiled different reports. Furthermore, there is a complete innovation methodology that has been used in five regions along with a developed regional modelling tool. The result from REMOWE is valuable for several actors. Just in project constellation we see how experiences from REMOWE could be used by the different authorities in their daily work (County Administrative Board of Västmanland; Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment for North Savo; and Marshal Office of Lower Silesia). The reports have also been summarized in three brochures for various stakeholders perspectives (Politicians, Municipalities, Industry and SMEs). A further result is the approved extension project, ABOWE, that will continue within the BSR programme. The project involves industry and SMEs in the practical application of two different production methods. By this we believe that the community could take advantage of more efficient methods of renewable energy production and capital to investments becomes available. In longer terms this should lead to increased potential for cost-effective production of renewable energy and fuels. A good example from the innovation process was the concept that was elaborated by a SME company called Finnoflag Oy. It was evaluated in the innovation process with good results. This technology is now planned to be used in pilot plants REMOWE extension stage project ABOWE to produce biogas.

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  • 77.9%   1 233 223,50
  • 2007 - 2013 Baltic Sea Region
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

8 Partners Participants