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Regional ICT Foresight exercise for Southeast European countries (FORSEE)
Start date: Dec 31, 2010, End date: Dec 30, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The FORSEE project targets ICT RTD policy reform in the South-eastern Europe (SEE) region, proposing a focused effort on introducing a Foresight culture in the region, which is necessary in order to accelerate target countries' socioeconomic growth on their way to matching the challenges of the global networked economy and participating on equal footing in the European Research Area. The project will introduce a sustainable mechanism for ICT Foresight, which is currently not being regularly applied as a tool for technological future orientation and research policy review. The project partnership, comprising organisations responsible for policy making in ICT or Science and Technological Development, ensures the Institutional capacity and political commitment that is needed in order to implement this ambitious initiative. FORSEE's main obgective is to identify the shortcomings of the ICT RTD sector in the region and orchestrate the establishment of a regional collaboration network, working on ICT Foresight and exploring synergies and complementarities between research resources in the target countries. The project's efforts are going to address regional stakeholders in the sector and will provide a participatory platform for collaboration in order to ensure that the outputs will receive wide acceptance and will inspire the necessary sense of regional ownership. One of the most important elements of the project is the hands-on approach in the implementation of pilot ICT Foresight exercises in all target countries based on a Regional methodology adapted to the region's capacities and resources. The project, therefore, acknowledges that significant savings of resources can be achieved by implementing a regional foresight initiative, coupled by the strong collaboration potential that such an approach will ensure. Achievements: • Digital Content in SEE evaluation report• eGovernment in SEE evaluation report• eHealth in SEE evaluation report• Green paper on how to apply foresight for planning the innovation policy in ICT sector• Innovation and entrepreneurship strategic roadmap• Open consultation synthesis report• Review of national innovation systems and the ICT sector in particularFor more information see:
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  • 89.6%   1 448 685,21
  • 2007 - 2013 South East Europe
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

11 Partners Participants