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Regional cycle development through coastal co-operation - seagrass and algae focus (CosCo-Project)
Start date: Dec 31, 2003, End date: Jun 29, 2007 PROJECT  FINISHED 

CosCo wants to reduce the high costs of beach cleansing by recycling flotsam and using it in an economically meaningful way. This improves the environmental situation and at the same time ensures the sustainable development of tourism. To achieve these objectives, the partners aim to actively exchange experiences in relation to beach cleansing technology, flotsam treatment, product development and beach policy and also implement several pilot actions. Achievements: Activities have taken place in all 5 Components: Comp.1.: Every half year, a Workshop (either internal or public) was organised and accomplished with the help of one of the project partners. Certain focal points were emphasised and discussed. If there were special problems, partner meetings took place as well. The final congress was held on 1 June 2007 in Dresden (D) where the results were presented and which formed the closure of the project. Comp.2: The main aim is to find an alternative technology which is able to collect flotsam and jetsam with a minimum of sand and stones. Therefore, different machines were presented to the partners and tested. The technology of the company Land & Bau Kommunalgeräte GmbH Rendsburg (D) showed the best results until now. The technique is able to collect the sea grass and / or algae at the beach but also from the water edge. Presentations took place at various beaches in D, DK, PL and F. As alternative for Mediterranean areas, a treatment for sea grass / algae with the use of water and solar dryer was developed which is also able to grind and package the material after drying. On the island of Moen, a network from beach cleansing to marketing has been established and fully professionally implemented during the project's lifetime. Comp.3: A comparative study of the beach municipalities was created on the basis of a questionnaire at the beginning and the end of the project. Integration of this study into a guide for environmental policies. Another focal point was the involvement of this thematic into the beach policy of municipalities to obtain a sustainable coast tourism and an envrionmental coast development. Comp.4: The development of new high value-added products out of sea grass and algae was a moin topic within the frame of the project. Compounds and injection-moulded pieces, materials for building, construction and packaging and design articles were developed. A market study for all those product developments was accomplished. Tests as to compost from flotsam and jetsam, heavy metal filter mats, soil conditioner and phytochemical extracts for dietary supplements, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals were also done. Alternatives for the use of poor sea grass batches (as source for the production of biogas or BTL) have been examined. Comp.5: For disseminating the work within the project and its results, the partners participated in various meetings / conferences / trade fairs and exhibitions. One worked together with other programmes (Interreg IIIA Sand, Interreg IIIC Recora and Beachmed-e) to coordinate and spread the investigations. Brochures, folders and a movie were created and disseminated to the public. Newspapers, magazines as well as radio and television stations informed about the project regularly. A summary on all activities and news could be found on the project homepage which was always updated.
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  • 61.9%   1 111 572,35
  • 2000 - 2006 Interreg IIIC North
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

9 Partners Participants