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Recording Our Europe
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Within the global context of 21st Century education, ICT and communication skills in foreign languages and collaboration or critical thinking must be developed by students to face immediate future challenges and employability chances. So our goals will be: 1- To improve teachers knowledge on methodological usage of ICT tools and assessment process. 2- To enhance students motivation towards learning of foreign languages and european awarness. 3- Bringing families to school life through participation in some project activities and dissemination of results. Achievement of the above objectives will be developed within school context. Association is made up of five secondary schools and vocational training in Germany, France, Italy, Finland and Spain. To accomplish the objectives we will carry out following activities: 1. International research groups of students on issues affecting to the future of young people in Europe: sustainability, employability and social networks; using video as platform for communicating findings and record them for later use by other schools as discussion material or example. 2. Teachers reflect, share and learn about educational use of video, publishing their findings in form of good practice guide on its use in the classroom. Methodology Students work through eTwinning platform. They participate in video conferences and lectures on related topics. Videos are presented on a video festival, and published in social networks and internet channel created for this purpose. EXPECTED RESULTS 1. Workshops on video creation and edition. Workshops take place on every partner school, with teachers, students and families as target audience. They enable audience to be familiar with recording devices and to record and edit videos of certain quality. We also hold webinars on this issue (using WebEx). For this purpose we count on the collaboration of Dr. Mauricio Pérez Jiménez, Professor of Photography and Audiovisual in the Fine Arts Department, University of La Laguna (ULL). We also hold a Joint Staff Training Event in Kotka to discuss about methodological uses of video creation. 2. Discussion Forums on Sustainability, Social Media and Employability chances. Students investigating in the different issues discuss with experts, and with other students and families about these subjects. The discussion forums take place both live in every school, and online with video conference and chats like eTwinning chats or twitter chats (open to bigger audience) 3. Paperwork investigations about Sustainability, Social Media and Employability chances. Students from every international work group investigate and reflect on the proposed issues. They show their improvements in a blog, getting feedback. 4. Videos produced by students with conclusions of their work. Students communicate results of their reflections using video format. Each international work group plan, record and edit their own video, using knowledge gained during the project. For planning and editing stages students work collaboratively online. For recording stage they meet in some project school to record their video. 5. Video Festival. We organize a video festival, where all productions are presented. Other teachers and students in our schools, and other schools in our area can also present their own works. Other stakeholders at school such as families, association of parents, and public institutions of the Island, (Island government, City council, Teacher Training Center, European Educational Programs Office in Canaries ), are also invited to collaborate in the Festival's organization. 6. Teachers’ guide. Teachers from partner schools work on a guide, which format will be decided, to share with other teachers and schools the experiences gained about using video creation as a teaching tool, technology to achieve 21st. C. skills. This guide will be presented to interested audience at the dissemination activities of the project. EXPECTED IMPACT Participating students improve their language skills, their 21st Century skills and european awareness. Teachers count on a wider number of teaching tools, improve their knowledge on video creation and its use in the classroom, as well as other ICT tools to be used in the classroom. Participating schools build up a school network to keep working together in future projects. Teachers count on a wider number of teaching tools (video creation and other ICT tools). Participating schools build up a school network to keep working together in future projects. Families have the chance to participate at project activities, and are involved in the school’s life. Educational Communiti; Guide is disseminated to be used in the future by teachers of any EU school. LONG-TERM BENEFITS Lasting methodological changes to motivate students and staff, and to contribute to the reduction of early school dropout. Long-term future tools for the integral formation of students in the 21st. Century skills.
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4 Partners Participants