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Reconstruction of border checkpoint Vientuli and arrangement of border checkpoint Brunishevo (VIENTULI-BRUNISHEVO)
Start date: Feb 17, 2011, End date: Dec 30, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The border crossing capacity for road transport on Latvian-Russian border was exceeded in 2006 following the increase of goods and passenger turnover between Russia and EU and since then queues of both goods and passenger vehicles have been an unfortunate norm. This situation clearly inhibits competitiveness and attractiveness of otherwise well-placed transit region and causes financial losses. Insufficient capacity of the border crossings inevitably results in lower quality of border control and the outcomes are higher than possible smuggling, drug and human trafficking and other detrimental activities. Queues result in increased environmental pollution from fuel combustion, littering and human excrements in absence of sanitary conditions. In order to ensure sufficient functioning of the border control points at the EU external border, as specified by the Schengen agreement, special attention should be paid to further development of border control points infrastructure and modernisation of control equipment.Vientuli-Ludonka border control checkpoint (BCP) is a multilateral checkpoint, however due to its technical condition it services only passenger vehicles at the moment. It has been reconstructed and has all necessary infrastructure for processing goods and passenger vehicles on the Russian side (Ludonka), however lacks needed infrastructure on the Latvian side (Vientuli). The technical design for the reconstruction of Vientuli has been prepared, however needs to be reviewed given the changed technical specification. The BCP Brunishevo-Pededze is currently bi-lateral (servicing only Russian and Latvian residents), and has been modernised on the Latvian side (Pededze) to be able to service international passenger transport, but has insufficient infrastructure on Russian side (Brunishevo). Modernisation and reconstruction of the mentioned BCPs has been discussed between competent authorities in Latvia and Russia, resulting in the present project. Expected Results: External services: It is envisaged by Partner 2 to hire external project management orgnisation to provide all necessary administrative, financial, legal and project management expertise needed for an international project (203 600 EUR incl. 65700 EUR project technical management: 30800 EUR administrative and financial management, 38500 EUR legal support, 33300 EUR translation services, 9000 EUR tender preparation and organisation costs, 21100 EUR travel, accommodation and meeting organisation costs including 1200 EUR for meeting organisation in Moscow outside programme area. External services also include audit necessary for interim and final reports for the Applicants costs and costs of Partner 2 covered by the grant financing (24 590 EUR for Applicant and 30 000 EUR for Partner 2). Considering that Partner 2 co-financing will be constituted by the special communication equipment having state secret character, it is planned that auditing of the costs associated with Partners 2 co-financing will be carried out by an Auditing Organisation having necessary authorisation to access qualified information, in accordance with the national legislation in this area. External services include the position of Procurement expert services (15 000 EUR) in Applicants budget, in order to ensure as fast as possible procurement procedures in the project. It is planned to order externally supplies and services for organising public events at each BCP (8 197 EUR for Vientuli BCP (Applicant) and 10000 EUR for Brunishevo BCP (Partner 2)). Infrastructure: It is planned to tender out design and design supervision services and construction works. Vientuli: technical design preparation (design review) 158 600 EUR, technical design for external power connection 20 000 EUR, design expertise 8 197 EUR, construction works 6 650 143 EUR, design supervision 18 603 EUR, based on preliminary cost estimates. Brunishevo: technical design, design expertise and design supervision 228 028 EUR, construction works 1 700 594 EUR, based on preliminary cost estimates. Management of the contractors will be done by Applicant personnel for Vientuli part of project and by external project management organisation – for Brunishevo part of the project. Functioning of the BCPs Vientuli and Brunishevo will be ensured during and after project implementation. For Applicant and Partner 2, contingency reserve of 50000 EUR is included (in total 100000 EUR). Activities for implementation of the project the procurement procedures will be carried out based on the national legislation and observing the rules of nationality and origin. The external factors, including construction price inflation, lengthening of the project schedule, reconstruction of roads and bridges leading to border crossing check points have been taken in to account in the risk analysis. The internal evaluation of project implementation will be carried out on three levels: the first being the work of the Project Management Unit and its regular reporting to the management of the Applicant and Partner organisations, second being the work of the Steering Group and third being the expenditure verification carried out by external auditors and regular consultations within this expenditure verification services.

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  • 90.1%   8 368 373,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Estonia-Latvia-Russia ENPI CBC
  • Project on KEEP Platform
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2 Partners Participants