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Reconnaitre les compétences transversales en lien avec l'employabilité et les certifications
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project is in connection with, and operates as a complement to, the works of the European Agenda for Adult Education (Agenda Européen pour la Formation des Adultes, AEFA) in relation to cross-functional skills applied in professional situations. The choices of the Belgian, French and Luxemburgian partners, acting in a consortium promoted by the Public Interest Group (Groupement d’Intérêt Public, GIP) Continued Education and Professional Integration (Formation continue et insertion professionnelle, FCIP) of the Versailles Academy, under the supervision of the French Ministry of Education, are guided by the three following contextual ideas: - At the European level: European Union member States are required to implement, before 2018, a framework for the recognition (i.e., validation) of formal and non-formal training,- At the European francophone level: the international Erasmus+ conference, held in Brussels on 13 and 14 October 2015 at the initiative of three Erasmus+ European agencies (France, Belgium and Luxembourg) reiterated the necessity to establish links between the recognition of skills and employability, particularly for the poorly educated population,- At the national level: the ministries of education and employment of each of the three member States have clearly stated their intent to promote the articulation of professional certifications with mechanisms for recognizing and developing basic (also referred to as “key”) skills – in particular, in the context of social advancement.All the parties involved in this project have the expertise required to create a framework for the recognition of cross-functional skills in connection with professional certifications: experts in key skills, entities in charge of the recognition of professional skills, certification agencies, trainers and assessors in professional integration, experts in skills assessments.During the first phase of the project, the strategic partners will develop a common framework of cross-functional skills coordinated with the European Qualifications Framework (EQF).The added value of this project resides in the adjustment of these skills depending on the level of proficiency, which enables recognizing partial proficiency and relying on existing experience. Acknowledging and valuing existing experience means that the action will be conducted in an adult, egalitarian, and inclusive manner.The proposed methodology associates the professionals and the end beneficiaries, in particular to ensure the clarity of the descriptors, the relevance of the framework for consensual uses, in response to the needs of the professionals: assessors, orientation professionals and trainers, in charge of developing the employability of poorly qualified or education population. The second phase is intended to achieve the adoption of the framework by multiple professionals in charge of the job-seeking population – youths 16 to 25 years of age, or adults of over 26 undergoing professional retraining or in difficult situations (e.g., subsidized contracts, recipients of social benefits). Systems for self-evaluation and innovative evaluation will be co-developed and tested by these professionals. The feedback of the end-users will be collected by the members of the scientific committee, under the supervision of the University of Luxembourg and the researchers and representative experts of the three member States. Strategic national orientation committees are associated to the project, with a view to progressively implementing the innovation resulting from the framework and the evaluation processes developed between 2016 and 2018 in the training and professional certification mechanisms. This project has an impact on the development on the structure of professional certifications. This structure makes use of a common set of skills, made known to and accessible by professional orientation, evaluation and training professionals and, more importantly, by the end-users, who are a considered as a stakeholder in the evaluation process. These self-evaluation and skill recognition processes also contribute to accelerate the recognition and validation of cross-functional skills that are necessary and useful for the employability of the population without diploma, and the migrants living in francophone countries. Regarding the European spread beyond francophone territories and partners associated in the project, it will be carried out by network heads involved in various European projects in relation to the development of key skills, literacy programs and language training for migrants.
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8 Partners Participants