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Realizarea dimensiunii europene a școlii prin integrarea de modele europene în școlarizarea copilului cu dizabilităţi
Start date: Sep 10, 2014, End date: Sep 9, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In the perspective of developing European education systems, Romanian education needs radical changes in order to provide quality educational services In this context, our school aims that the implementation of European projects bring major improvements in changing attitudes of professionals diversification of working methods, providing quality services, improving cooperation between school and pupils’ families and community and shaping new lines of cooperation and collaboration with institutions and experts from the European Union. The "European dimension of school achievement through the integration of European models in the schooling of children with disabilities" seeks to enhance at the school level new educational attitudes inspired by European practice. To achieve this goal we have set the following objectives: - The opening of the teacher towards new attitudes inspired by European practice. - Improving the skills of school teachers through the knowledge of education systems from Europe and new methods and techniques of intervention. - Formation of new skills and attitudes in addressing children with disabilities in the context of European social transformations and preventing early school leaving. - Modernization of school education services by improving skills and increasing capacity to modernize and open the school to European practices. To achieve these objectives we plan the involvement of a large number of school specialists in European mobility in order to acquire new skills, competencies, attitudes from European practice and enhancing the experience by sharing practices with European specialists. In this project we proposed a mobility number of 24 in 3 flows for training in specialized European institutions on topics involving quality educational practice: - In Finland we will learn about the particularities of the Finnish special education system in the course: “Every pupil is important-special education in Finland and Europe”. - In Spain we will learn about family counseling and dropout prevention during the course: „Coaching in educational context to reduce early school leaving” - In Italy we will learn about the particularities of special integrated and inclusive education during the course „Special needs and learning disabilities how to deal with them? Theoretical and practical experiences”. Participants in these courses will be specialists covering the whole range of professionals in our school: Special Education teachers, teacher educators, teachers, psychologists, physiotherapists, social worker and psychologists. The skills acquired will assist in developing and improving educational practices and therapeutic through new approaches of the child with disabilities, giving him a wider range of services and using modern tools adapted according to the European specific. The main contribution of them will relate to adjusting teaching methods and practices of the classroom level and of the group of students with new information, the improvement and efficiency of the therapeutic work within the cabinets, curriculum adaptation and other teaching tools. European experience will contribute to an efficient approach to improve school violence and reducing early school leaving. It will achieve institutional pilot program of identification, prevention, control and improvement of violence cases and reducing early school leaving.
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