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Réalisateurs en herbe
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The « réalisateurs en herbe » project allows to young Belgians and French people , from 13 to 20 years, to express themself thanks to the video tool. During two consecutive years, more or less 200 young people coming from Charleroi and Lille are going to realize short films under forms of fiction, report, animation, clip, and are going to participate in all the stages of the project as the scriptwriters, the actors and the directors. The video tool is a great way of expression for these young people coming from precarious circles which gives them the possibility of announcing their ideas, values, dreams, concerns and real-life experiences. Capsules videos will be presented on the two years during Festivals organized in Charleroi and in Lille allowing the grouping of the young people.Professionals' s jury of the film sector will subsidize movies according to various categories. The organization of the Festivals is assured in all its stages by young people via collaborations with schools of technical and professional education: realization of the poster, the reception of the public, the display of the Festival, the dining drink, the photo studio. ..The young people will be accompanied in all this route of creation by social workers having an experience in the assistance to the youth and the prevention and who use the video tool to favor the expression of young people who, by their origines and contextes of life, have little or not access to the public expression.The Festival and its mediatization allows them to carry this expression beyond the deprived sphere with important profits for the young people: recognition of their skills and valuation of these with families, peers, adults, with professionals and with a wider public, increase of the confidence and the self-respect, the implication in a project from the beginning to the end. All these profits are transposables experiences in their social and professional future. The cross-border exchanges ‘s dimension gives an added value to the project for the young people and the professionals: new challenge in front of the scale of the project, the impact which exceeds the premises or the regional, the meetings, the discoveries and the exchanges of practices in a multicultural spirit.To make a success of this challenge, a work of network between Belgian and French partners is set up via regular meetings and days of practice exchanges , methologes to extand perfdormances of each others. Formations in broadcasting technologies will be organized in common for the young people of both countries.

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