Search for European Projects

Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Salesian "San José" of Pozoblanco College is a private center, founded in 1930 with different levels of education such as Nursery, Primary, Secondary, Vocational Training: Basic and Intermediate cycle. At school there are 650 students enrolled and working 45 teachers.For the school it is the first experience in participating in a European program, in fact, the "Ready4Europe" project will be key in international development as the college will gain experience in European mobility programs so that in the future all the students and teachers from other educational stages can participate, which will certainly have a very positive impact on professional and language skills development of the entire education community level.The "Ready4Europe" project has been prepared for nine teachers from all educational levels of our Center who will participate in three structured courses in Poland and Ireland thus helping to meet the main needs of our Center courses.The structured courses they will participate in are:- More Europe in Your School (6 days). The purpose of this training course will be to familiarize teachers with eTwinning portal and other tools to communicate with other institutions or European organizations. Our staff will get to know the practice of incorporating eTwinning in education and ways of working with international partners. This course will also help to find new partner schools, registering an existing company or start a project. Participants will also increase their knowledge of best management practices that lead to successful educational projects.The training received by our participants is very important for the gradual implementation of European mobility programs responding to the needs raised about lack of relationship with other European schools. We will know in a deeper way the possibilities that exist under the Erasmus program and our staff will alleviate its deficit in the management of international programs- Educational Coaching (6 days). Training aimed at fostering the personal development of the student. The content of the program is directed, following the principles of coaching, to plan and carry out an educational project that integrates all dimensions of the person, and so to foster the achievement of its goals. The training received by our participants will allow an update of teaching methods to increase the educational quality of education in our Centre. - Cooperative Methodology for Teaching (10 days). In this course our teachers will have the opportunity to improve the quality of their education by working on research projects, workshops, seminars and interviews "talking to people". Study areas such as education, literature, art, history, geography, society, etc. They will help to deepen the knowledge of the Anglo-Irish culture in a European and multicultural context. All this will provide teachers of any subject instruments for the development of basic skills in their students and to disseminate their learning. The sessions will promote the interaction of all participants in the program, within a collaborative environment. This course meets the need of updating the methodology and adapt to new trends that promote education from a more dynamic and participatory point that contributes to a quality education that impact on the motivation of students and teachers.As a common denominator, we emphasize that all courses will be taught in English so that the selected teachers will have the opportunity to develop their language skills especially communicative and technical vocabulary. Also the courses will be attended by teachers from other European countries which will allow our staff to share experiences that will serve them as a reference. As for the impact the project will have a long-term impact on our school, bearing in mind the fact that our school integrated the mobility of students and teachers into educational policies, encouraging also the possibility of participating in our school from other European countries. This certainly will cause our students develop a sense of European citizenship and respect for other cultures also improve their English. Implemented new methodologies will begin offering positive results translated into better academic performance of our students and teachers who have a need for to regularly update their knowledge and skills as professionals and continue to expand their knowledge of English and possibly other European languages.

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