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Ready for life , ready for society : enabling young people to engage in diverse , connected and inclusive communities.
Start date: Sep 12, 2016, End date: Jun 11, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The neighborhood of origin of youth living in deprived urban areas has a significant and negative impact on their insertion on the labour market. This effect of the initial neighborhood concerns, particularly, the access to insecure jobs, causes higher unemployment rates and brings troubles to local communities associated with social and economic exclusion of youth from deprived urban areas. That’s what we as partner youth organisations have common concern with and would like to influence with this multi leg Mobility project. The innovative feature and aim of this Mobility project will be the use of new Erasmus + opportunities of long term influence to introduce volunteering as an alternative to social exclusion and unemployment of the young people in partner organizations’ communities, motivating youth for initiation and direct participation in community volunteering projects and producing a pilot model of good practice for use of other partners.In connection with the above aim this multi leg Mobility project will bring together: a/ 40 young people, peer leaders and representatives of the participating organisations from the UK, Latvia, Portugal and Romania to participate in a Youth exchange in Latvia to share views on volunteering as alternative to youth unemployment as well to present profiles and experience of participating organisations in this field; b/ 64 young volunteers (including those coming from deprived urban areas), having voluntary youth work experience that are involved in community councils and participate in the work of partner youth organizations will come to a Youth exchange in Portugal to explore volunteering and voluntary project work in mixed nationality teams as a way to increase personal self confidence and therefore employability. To make sure that the project impact a wider range of young people we are also planning to involve those young people who are not peer leaders and who are new to youth participation/empowerment projects.c/ 40 youth peer educators motivated to act as Multipliers of the projects' achievements to spread the results of the project firsthand during the Youth Exchange for Peer Educators in Romania. The following working methods will be used during the key activities of the Mobility project: presentations of realities with employment situation in partner countries ; presentation of the Erasmus+ Programme with a special focus on new developments and opportunities for cooperation between the partners on the projects's theme; Interactive workshops on Project management, best practice on Employability opportunities for youth from deprived urban areas; role play games and exercises on Inclusion techniques; use of peer role models and peer education techniques; Open Space method; inspiration visits and meetings with invited experts (employment and/or youth sector), youth workers and researchers of different levels including European.As a result of the Mobility project we will have a European pool of young motivated peer leaders and peer educators with necessary skills and competences to promote community participation and volunteering as a way to approach youth disenfranchisement and facilitate employment motivation of peers coming from deprived urban areas. The local communities involved with the key activities of the Mobility project will experience a greater sense of understanding and cohesion through the volunteering projects and campaigns that the participants will produce which will promote and enhance the visibility of the Erasmus+ programme. Joint and active participation of motivated young people will increase their awareness about common values and principles of community participation and volunteering to approach youth disenfranchisement as well as facilitate employment motivation of peers coming from deprived urban areas. We anticipate that we will be able to further spread our findings and knowledge to other youth organisations active with the issues of promoting community volunteering as a tool to support social inclusion and employment opportunities of young people coming from deprived urban areas. All participants will work towards accreditation with a Youthpass certificate.
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3 Partners Participants