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Start date: Jun 25, 2014, End date: Dec 25, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This Project partnership started with the training course called BTM-France in Marseille,France in 16-20 November 2011 and we have worked in two projects so far. In 2012 under the coordination of our Bosnian partner, we organized a youth Exchange projects with the theme of green environment and its name was “ Re-Cycle”. For the disemination of the Project and for its sustainability we organized a Project called “Re-Act”, which is about the active participation of youngsters, in Germany in 2013. The third phase of this Project will be organized in Turkey with the name of “Re-Public”. As it is understood from the information, this Project will be the last phase of this partnership. Re-Public is a youth Exchange Project in which there will be 27 participants-9 participants from each- from Green Civril Youth Group(Turkey), Stadt Bochum(Almanya) and DVOC(Bosnia Herzigovinia). It will be held in Civril. Bosnian Group consists of young people with fewer oppotunities living in a small town where people have tol ive with lots of problems especially after the war. Likewise Turkish group consists of young people with fewer oppotunity living in small town. German group consists of young people who have adaptation problems to school and to environment that they live in. This Project aims to make young people gain active citizenship consciousness and trigger them to play important role in decision making process . Also with the help of this Project local people will have oppotunity to interact with the authoroties easily. Our main activities are like that; We will plant small trees in front of the Government House by shaping A European Map and we will plant bigger trees to represent the European countries and put labels that show the information of those countries. Moreover, we will plant a big “wish tree” to where Brussel stands in. The main purpose of this “wish tree” is to convey the massages of local people to the local authoroties in practical way. Everybody can write their wishes,complaints and problems on the paper that they can find under the Wish Tree. This Project brings a different point of view to the decison making process and at the same time local people will have a green zone that they can use. Young people and local people will have opportunity to accces local governor and mayor easily and instead of using bureaucratic ways they will be able to use this way. Participants will prepare a questionaire with the theme of Democracy and Active Participation and the apply this questionaire in Çivril. This activity will be carried out with the mixed groups and the results of this questionaire will be send to the local authoraties. There will have activities in which all participant countries members can present their own democratic systems. In this contect we will make some interviews with some parliamentarians and the participants will have opportunity to see the Turkish democracy in its own place. With this Project we aim a deep impact from local to international dimension. Our Project will be a model for other places in Turkey especially in our local environment and fort he sustainability of this kind of Project it will be a Pioneer and we would like to make a national impact with the visits of Parliament and Youth and Sport Ministry.
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