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Razvijanjem partnerstva između škole i socijalnih partnera do veće zapošljivosti učenika
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Croatia , as a member of the European Union , committed to the development of knowledge-based society . It is a society whose foundation is knowledge, and education is developing strongly as a part of this trend and it has far greater importance than it had in previous societies . In societies of knowledge curriculum politics shift occured, from the transfer of knowledge to the development of competence as the main goal of education, which made observing schools outside the social context impossible. Permanent professional education of teachers is an imperative today, it helps teachers to gain competencies required for successful professional work . One of the key competence is the ability to develop partnership between school and local social partners . The development of social partnership is important for each country as well as for Croatia . Teachers are now expected to be the initiators of changes ,as they are vital part of education success. Aim of the Industrial – Vocational school Virovitica project is gaining competition in developing partnership between school and local social partners, as well as developing language competence. Nine members are included in the project, seven vocational subject teachers ( one from each education sector), one practical training teacher and the school principal. Through the lectures and examples of good practice in vocational schools and local social partners in Frankfurt ( am Main ) , organized by the Croatian Economic Association in Germany / KroatischeWirtschaftsvereinigungDeutschland - KWVD , the project will be implemented in a period between 3rd and 9th May, 2015. Through the implementation of this project, Industrial – vocational school Virovitica staff will be trained to apply the newly acquired competencies in situations of establishing and developing social partnership: between school and Craftsman/ Company; local institutions (Chamber of Crafts , Croatian Chamber of Economy , Employment Bureau , the town and the county , with professionals employed outside the education sector ; as well as developing responsibility for constantly exploring profession trends. Improving language skills will enable the exchange of experiences with colleagues from Frankfurt ( am Main ) , as well as the use of foreign language literature and other media, which will all contribute to quality teaching . By establishing school partnership with local social partners better transmission of information on labor market needs and better correspondence between those needs and the development of knowledge , skills and students's competencies will be ensured , which will all contribute to greater students employability .

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