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Raising Aspiration through the Spanish language
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our school is located in a deprived area of Manchester. We want to offer the best possible opportunities to our pupils to raise their attainment. To help achieve this, we want to take a whole school approach towards embedding the Spanish language. We plan to; - Increase language knowledge and confidence,- Improve intercultural understanding,- Develop our understanding of effective teaching methods and strategies relevant to different age groups of pupils,- Gain knowledge of the most effective and appropriate resources for the different ages,- Experience life in a Spanish school, assimilating new teaching techniques and ideas, reflecting on our own pedagogy and discover new and innovative approaches to learning,- Improve management competencies of our MFL coordinators,- Find ways to integrate Spanish into all aspects of our school life, and increase internationalisation and the European dimension across different subject areas.Our plan is to develop a project which will see 16 members of staff from different year groups and with different roles in the school to take part in structured courses in Santander, Spain. These 16 participants will take on a leading role within the school, supporting other colleagues and disseminating skills and knowledge.The selected courses are intensive, 8 day courses that will immerse the participants in the language and culture of Spain. They include 15 hours of intensive language tuition with participants grouped according to their current level, methodology sessions delivered by ex-local authority consultants There will be the opportunity to spend two days in a Spanish primary school. There will be timetabled sessions as part of the course where we will have the opportunity to discuss our project with colleagues from other institutions and share ideas with them. We will continue to build on the work we are currently doing to improve the teaching and learning of languages and intercultural understanding in our school, e.g. through language courses and self-study and will develop further opportunities for peer support as part of the project.Project results will be incorporated into the management framework of the school and form part of our school development plan.Tangible outputs will include;- production of new teaching materials, - development of a training and support package, - review of management roles of the MFL coordinators,- changes in the timetabling of language lessons and an increase in cross curricular work, - whole school staff meetings to feedback to colleagues and discuss ways in which new methodologies, ideas and resources can be integrated into teaching practice,- monitoring of language teaching by the two MFL coordinators, - language, culture and methodology training by participants, - new lesson planning and observation formats which will be used consistently throughout the school,- many more staff (both teaching and support staff) involved in the teaching and learning of Spanish, - Spanish taught in more year groups including early years,- a strategy for linking language learning to literacy,- development of clubs and out-of-school activities.We expect these long term outcomes; • Improved language competence.• Better understanding of language teaching methodology.• improved intercultural understanding.• improvement in participants’ confidence. • Increased motivation and enthusiasm for teaching. • improved planning and management skills.Learning outcomes for our pupils will include;- improvement in their language competence resulting from an improvement in teaching,- wider opportunities for language learning through clubs etc. and - the opportunity to regularly communicate and work jointly with Spanish pupils encouraging improved language learning experience, more enthusiasm for the subject and a better understanding of how languages can benefit them in their future lives and careers.There will also be long term outcomes for our link school in Spain, other schools within our cluster ,and our parents.

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