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"Qui es-tu cher voisin ?" ("Who are you dear neighbour ?)
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Backgroung : School wants to open pupil’s mind to European culture. Objectives: - Get the pupil to discover and know their European neighbours; - Train the pupil to European citizenship with an European school partnership (England ; Italy ; France) - Master english as a communication tool in order to improve teacher’s skills. - Improve TICEs use in teaching. Adopt another educational system based on pupil’s success in accordance with the school routine reorganization. - Find a way to reduce underperforming at school - Open the school to European culture. Stakeholder: Training in Oxford(2 weeks) : 5 teachers from La Chamarette primary school in Haute-Savoie A 24 months plan: All grade 3 classes(year 4, year 5, year 6) from La Chamarette school and two partner schools from England and Italy. Activities : 1st period (September / October) Individual written (pupil) : introduce him/herself (surname, last name, age), introduce his/her family, his/her location Collective presentation (whole class) : School introduction on a slide show (music and pictures) 2nd period (November / December) Individual written (pupil): Creating Christmas cards Collective presentation (whole class): Christmas story presentation (on movie maker software: illustrations and pupils recording) 3rd period (January / February) Individual written (pupil): Weather Collective presentation (whole class): winter vocabulary games (crosswords, arrow puzzle) 4th period(March/ April) Individual written (pupil): creating easter cards Collective presentation (whole class): game creation(Easter investigations) 5th period (May /June) Individual written (pupil) : Speaking about hobbies, sport, music… Collective presentation (whole class): Presentation of end of year school trip and school party. Résults : - Familiarisation with TICEs use - Create a database(games, nursery rhymes, albums...) in order to make learning more enjoyable. - European blog (website) creation - Resource creation by the pupils - Motivate Pupils to learn a foreign language - Use of new educational system.
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