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Quality of Engineering Education in Central Asia
Start date: Oct 15, 2012,

QUEECA aims at setting up and implementing a system of QA of Engineering Education (EE) in CA countries, finalized to the pre-professional accredit. of eng. programmes (i.e. accredition of educational programmes as entry route to the eng. profession). The accredited programmes must satisfy the same pre-requisites for the award of the EUR-ACE quality label, i.e. the EUR-ACE Framework Standards (EAFS) and the European Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in Higher Education. This will be achieved by the creation of a network of National QA/accreditation Agencies (and possibly a Regional Federation) able to accredit engineering programmes and authorized by ENAEE to award the EUR-ACE quality label, through the following steps:1.Create a National EE Society where it does not exist (in Kazakhstan, strengthen the existing KazSEE) and a CA Federation of EE Societies, partnered with SEFI and IFEES.2.Adapt the EAFS and formulate analogous CA Standards (CAEAS) in Russian and English.3.Create Accredit. Centers in each CA country (with a Regional coordination); train the relevant “accreditors“.4.Run a series of Trial Accreditations with intern. teams to test the draft CAEAS and the local accreditors.5.Taking into account the Trial Accreditations results, formulate the final version of CAEAS.6.Conduct a first run of pilot accredit. of eng. prgms and award the first EUR-ACE labels in CA.7.Formulate a self-supporting financial plan for carrying out accredit. after the project closure.Synergies will be sought with the current TEMPUS project ECDEAST and the LLP Network EUGENE. ENAEE members (RAEE, ASIIN, SEFI) that already accredit engineering prgrammes in CA may award EUR-ACE labels to be included in the system set-up by QUEECA.QUEECA involves 4 out of 5 TEMPUS countries in CA.

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