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QUAL.IS.BAS: Qualità dell'Istruzione in Basilicata
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project QUAL.IS.BAS is co-ordinated by the Regional Education Authority for the Basilicata region (USR). The USR has promoted the internationalization of Basilicata schools by organizing informational seminars on the European programmes, disseminating best practices, opening a “European Desk”, setting up an ESABAC course, running English language courses for primary school and non-linguage subject teachers. The USR, through this consortium, involves three secondary schools located in Potenza: IIS “Nitti”, IIS “Da Vinci” and Liceo Scientifico “Galilei” that have often cooperated with the USR and have distinguished themselves for the quality of their initiatives over the course of years, and two partner schools in Sweden, one in France and another one in Great Britain. The three member schools of the consortium share a strong interest in internationalization that is expressed by the headmistresses and teachers’ tireless commitment to the promotion of innovative practices and a more open outlook on different cultures. Moreover, a large number of teachers who are attending CLIL language courses organized by the USR work in these schools. The objectives of the project are to encourage: a) the CLIL methodology training of a large number of teachers who have been involved mainly in English language courses so far, since the teaching of CLIL modules is compulsory in the final year of Secondary school; b) foreign language teachers’ refresher courses in the field of language teaching; c) the linguistic methodological competence improvement of the teachers working in ESABAC French courses; d) the ATA personnel and curricular teachers’ knowledge of English and French. In all, we are involving 90 people working in the three schools, both teaching and non-teaching staff, in activities that refer to the three typologies of Key Action 1- School Education Staff Mobility, that is courses, teaching assignments and job shadowing. The results of this project, which will develop in the course of 24 months, include the increase in European and intercultural training experiences, the improvement of the formative offer of Secondary schools, the acquisition of new teaching methodological strategies, greater motivation and flexibility of teachers, and the enhancement of the language competences of all those who are responsible for both the reception and the administration and accounts of incoming and outgoing mobility. The long term results concern the improvement of the quality of teaching so that it may become more involving and motivating and more Europe oriented, giving the right opportunities to expand the teaching content through an intercultural approach, transnational cooperation and the collaboration on teaching material. Furthermore, thanks to this project, the USR wants to favour the internationalization of Basilicata schools increasing the development of the school system with the aim of making the consortium an excellence hub the other schools of the region may consult about professional development programmes of the same profile.

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