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pularization and Preservation of the Cultural and Historical Heritage in the Cross-border Region Gotse Delchev – Prosochani (CULREG)
Start date: Mar 29, 2011, End date: Jun 29, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

1) Modernization of the Historical Museum in Gotse Delchev 2) Restavration of a traditional building in as a Folk Museum Prosotsani. 3) Cross border promotion of the the two museums 4) Cross border popularization of the cutural, traditional and historical heritage of the two municipalitues 5) Boosting the cultural identity and rasing the awareness of the young people about the cultural and historical assets of the two municipalities by creation of computer based products 6) Creation of modern cultural product by use of modern technologies 7) Making the cultural and historical heritage accessible to the people with special needs in the two municipalities Expected Results: Created conditions for preservation of the cultural, historical and traditional heritage in MoGD and MoPrs, enhance the cultural physiognomy of the region, popularized cultural, historical and traditional heritage in MoGD and MoPrs among the people from the two municipalities, created conditions for motivation of young people value the cultural, historical and traditional heritage in MoGD and MoPrs, boosted cultural identity of the people in the two municipalities, researched cultural, historical and traditional heritage in MoGD and MoPrs, strengthened cultural cooperation in Gotse Delchev Prosotsni region, modernized cultural institutions, created precondition for access to the cultural and historical heritage of the two municipalities for people with special needs.

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  • 85%   1 322 584,74
  • 2007 - 2013 Greece - Bulgaria (EL-BG)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
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1 Partners Participants