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Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project covers 60 students (4 groups of 15 students) willing to undergo a vocational training in Spain (Granada, Seville) and Ireland (Cork). All of them are the third grade students at Zespół Szkół Technicznych i Ogólnokształcących /the Technical and General Education School Complex/ in Bytom, Poland specializing in IT, mechatronics and economics. The training is going to be held in November 2016 and 2017 in Spanish companies dealing directly with IT branches, in particular with computer graphics, web design, network administration, maintenance and programming, and in March 2018 in Irish ones - mechatronics branch (car mechatronics, production lines, control systems) and economics (running a company, accounting). There are many foreign companies involved in a project. Most of them already cooperated or still cooperate with ZSTiO within the framework of Leonardo da Vinci and ESF programmes.The project aims at students' professional development, the understanding of operation of foreign and international companies, comparing working methods between Poland and the target country, learning how to cooperate efficiently in an international team and presenting novel and new technological solutions. The secondary goal is to promote language learning, professional language use and the culture and organization of work different from the native one.The main purpose behind the project is to satisfy the requirements named above. Besides, the project aim is to meet the policy of modern European education in terms of (1) mobility within vocational education, (2) cooperation between educational entities, (3) development of vocational training programs, (4) better transparency in and transfer of vocational qualifications, (5) application of IT in lifelong education, and (6) last but not least, in terms of the all-European meaning of education as such.The project results derive directly from the needs and aims rooted in the project; the most salient involving: better chances to find a job after graduation or set up the own one (according to job centre in Bytom, unemployment rate is at 18% level), strengthening self-confidence and ability to cope with stressful situations, breaking language and culture-based barriers, strengthening the awareness of cross-European dimension of individual education, learning creative thinking and reasoning skills and to promote our school in the local and regional community.The participating students undergo the recruitment procedure and meet its criteria. Most of students are of full legal age. The project involves teachers from our school who are responsible for preparing the students willing to meet the project's language, vocational and cultural objectives. The integral part of the preparation involves evaluation and promotion after the visit. There is a school coordinator appointed as a person responsible for management of the project and its proper course during the individual stages (information, recruitment, preparation, tickets and insurance, contacts with parents, training, evaluation, report). During the trainig session participants are accompanied by a teacher who directly supervises all participants, helps them and takes any decision on behalf of school headmaster.No students with special needs will be engaged in the project.

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