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Przedsiębiorcza młodzież. Kształtowanie polityki młodzieżowej w obszarze uczenia się przedsiębiorczości opartej na wiedzy i danych.
Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Jul 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project: "The youth entrepreneurship. Developing youth policy in the area of entrepreneurship learning based on the knowledge and data" is based on the applicant's experience in cooperation with the Warsaw middle school for youth entrepreneurship.As a result of these activities, the foundation, together with the directors of the middle schools Ursynów District of Warsaw and the representatives of the educational authorities of the Bureau of Education of the City of Warsaw abd Ursynów District Office decided to work together on this issue of what further actions to take for more systematic and long-lasting entrepreneurship learninig during non-formal education of young people, involving in the creation of educational policy learning young people themselves.In the course of project activities during the meetings, debates and conferences the youth policy makers and young people will discuss how best the young people can learn entrepreneurship during non-formal education, with the support of the people responsible for the development of youth policies. These activities are intended to encourage young people to participate actively in working together with decision-makers. The practical effect of such events will enable young people to speak (by formulating positions, conclusions and recommendations) about how you should develop and implement policies for youth in the area of entrepreneurship learning. The basis for discussion will be the results of a study that professional research company will carry out, about how young people understand the concept of entrepreneurship, what is its relationship to the business, what is the level of awareness of young people about entrepreneurship, which is the desire to get to know the area and how, from whom, for what young people want to learn entrepreneurship.The project will contribute to the improvement of key competences and skills of young people, particularly in the area of initiative, enterprise and learning skills, and to promote their participation in the labor market.Also, youth workers and youth leaders will increase the quality of their work with youth and for youth. At national level, the project will support the development of youth policy in the area of entrepreneurship learning based on knowledge and data.

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