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Propagation and development of dry, moist and wet heath in the Dwingelderveld SPA and pSCI (“Healthy Heath”)
Start date: Jan 1, 2010, End date: Jan 1, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Background Dwingelderveld is a nature reserve in the north-eastern Dutch province of Drenthe. It is part of the Natura 2000 network, and is the largest remaining continuous wet heathland in western Europe. In 1991, the Dwingelderveld was proclaimed a National Park by the Dutch government. The park covers some 3 800 ha and is protected under both the EU Birds and Habitats Directives. The area contains expansive areas of moist heath, fen-bogs, acid fens, active raised bogs, dry heath, drift sands and juniper shrubs. The various habitats are also important for birds, including: woodlarks, Bewick’s swan, black woodpeckers, little grebe, black-necked grebe, whinchat, common stonechat, shovelers, wheatears and teal. The area is also important for the northern crested newt. A former agricultural enclave, Noordenveld is located at the heart of the National Park. Here, the groundwater levels are kept artificially low for the benefit of agriculture by a system of drainage channels and ditches. This results in dehydration and acidification of the heathland. In addition, the Noordenveld topsoil is very rich in phosphates as a result of fertilisation for agricultural purposes. Dehydratation, acidification and eutrophication are serious threats to the many vulnerable habitat types within the park area. Objectives The aim of this project is to restore the natural water balance over 1 100 ha of Dwingelderveld, and to transform the Noordenveld. The project will undertake actions including combating dehydration, eutrophication and acidification; enlarging the area of moist heath within the Natura 2000 area; improving the quality of acid fens, active and recovering raised bogs, depression vegetation, and species-rich grasslands; and reducing disruption to the animals and birds characteristic of the area. Expected results: The ‘Noordenveld’ enclave will be transformed into heathland, resulting in the extension of the area covered by the following habitats: dry heath (103 ha), moist heath (107 ha), depression vegetation (6 ha ), acid fens (20 ha) and species-rich grasslands (5 ha); Wetting of the area is expected to increase the area of moist heath outside the Noordenveld (to 160 ha), the area of acid fens (34 ha) and the area of depression vegetation (8 ha). This will partially be at the expense of the dry heath; An acoustic fence will be installed along the nearby A28 motorway, resulting in a suitable nesting and resting biotope of some 135 ha.
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