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Promotion of best available techniques in the European footwear and tanning sectors (LIFE SHOEBAT)
Start date: Oct 1, 2013, End date: Sep 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Background In recent years, growing awareness of the unsustainable use of natural resources, together with a greater environmental awareness generally, has led many companies to initiate efforts to improve their environmental performance and develop more sustainable production processes. The tanning and footwear production sectors play an important role in the economies of many European countries, especially in the Mediterranean region. However, there is still a limited knowledge and understanding of alternative methods that reduce the environmental impact of production processes in these industries. The implementation of more environmentally friendly processes has been slow in both sectors. INESCOP has been working for over forty years to meet the needs of companies in the Spanish footwear and related sectors. It has expertise in environmental management systems, clean tanning technologies, atmospheric and noise emissions, eco-labelling, sewage, industrial waste and training. Objectives The LIFE SHOEBAT project aims to increase knowledge and application of the most environmentally friendly techniques within the footwear and tanning industries. It will work with relevant companies in three Mediterranean countries: Spain, Italy and Portugal. Specifically, SHOEBAT aims to create an interactive tool, which brings together the most environmentally friendly methods applicable to the tanning and footwear sectors. It will then work to raise awareness among companies in these sectors of the environmental impact of tanning and footwear activities and of the existence of new and improved techniques. The project will work to spread awareness and use of the interactive tool of good practices, and will demonstrate some of the best techniques in order to show companies what can be achieved through their implementation. Expected results: The creation of an interactive tool that incorporates the most environmentally friendly techniques from two industrial sectors - tanning and footwear; The use of this tool among European tanneries and footwear manufacturers; Increased interest in environmentally friendly techniques in the footwear and leather industries; Environmental improvements in footwear companies and tanneries.

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