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Promoting and empowering Creative Resourceful, Enterprising Youngsters in Europe
Start date: Oct 1, 2012,

C.R.E.ativE intends to promote and empower youth creative and entrepreneurial resources in Europe by making youngsters actively participate in a debate & exchange of inputs/proposals with responsible people in youth policy. This will occur by involving 42 youngsters & various policy makers/experts from 6 different EU member & acceding countries (IT,ES,UK,SE,TR,PL), to confront themselves within 12 months, in different activities tackling in particular the 2 dimensions of creativity addressing social voluntary & entrepreneurial creativity. The objectives will be achieved through 3 phases: during the planning/preparatory phase, beneficiaries (young people & policy makers) will be identified & involved in brainstorming & training activity at local level & in a virtual youth forum, following a common methodology in order to prepare them during the months before the seminar; during the implementation phase, a youth seminar lasting 4 days will be organized, involving young people & policy makers to discuss, exchange ideas & best practices and/or follow recommendations on issues, priorities, objectives of the structured dialogue, the open method of coordination in the field of youth & the European Pact for Youth; finally, during the evaluation/follow up phase, youngsters will be involved in the production of a follow up paper by employing & delivering specific questionnaires, and in the participation to a local meeting to share project’s achievements & the use of the Virtual Forum. Proper communication & dissemination tools & activities will support the 3 phases.The seminar & connected activities will be the opportunity for the youngsters to exercise their European citizenship, thus making the local authorities understand they have to activate recommended participative forms concerning youth policy in cooperation with youngsters & their representatives (as from the “Revised European Charter on the Participation of Young People in Local and Regional Life” of 21.05.2003).
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