Search for European Projects

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Jules Verne vocational High School is a public establishment in Sartrouville. It holds the status of SEN (Special Educational Needs) school, which makes it benefit from an increase valuation. The school site is situated in the education pool of Poissy/Sartrouville, which is classified as an EPA (Education Priority Area). It welcomes 688 pupils including 294 girls and 394 boys, all coming from very diverse origines as well as on a geographical level as on a sociological one. They are spread into four different streams of education: – the services sector studies; – the prevention and security studies; – the performing Arts studies; – the industrial engineering studies. The school faces three major issues: – a lot of pupils find it difficult to have a job, – absenteeism and school dropout increase the risk of pupils ending up with no job or being socially cast out after schooling, – 60% of the pupils come from underprivileged or very underprivileged backgrounds and 25% are eligible for a scholarship. In an attempt to solve these issues, the school set up a school project centred around five axes. Among these, is the axis of 'European Identity Citizenship' with the European sections as means of rebuilding motivation, addressing the issues of absenteeism and school dropout, and promoting success, professional integration and the opening onto the world. This axis aims at: – making language learning more efficient in order to facilitate the integration of the youth population into the European labour market, particularly thanks to a greater mobility programme, – offering an intercultural project so as to make our pupils more aware of the existence of a European zone, of other cultures and to develop a feeling of citizenship and to reinforce their European identity. – Promoting equity and inclusion by giving the opportunity to an underprivileged public to access a mobility project that gives credit to the student pathway. – Stimulating partnerships with the neighbouring schools. In this context, in 2005, after a successful experimental mobility project in 2004-2005, a European section in Spanish in Administrative & Management studies was created. Later on, a European section in English was also created in 2011 for the administrative and management studies. Since their creation, every year, the school organises school trips for both the European sections. Until now, the projects have been financed by the FSE for one and for the other by the grants attributed as part of the LEONARDO program. Each year, between 20 and 30 of our pupils benefit from a mobility experience thanks to the different teams committed to the projects since the opening of the European sections. In order to bring an answer to the identified needs, we strategically set up a series of activities that consist in: – reinforcing and deepening the linguistic and cultural knowledge of pupils by adding extra hours of foreign languages (one hour extra per week from year 11 to year 13) and the intervention of a foreign language assistant. – Developing and strengthening/ consolidating the pupils' professional skills by teaching them extra hours of their main vocational subject in English or Spanish (2 hours weekly throughout the sixth form) – planning training periods abroad (Spain and England) since 2005 (a five-week-mobility programme assorted with days of integration and work experience in a company), – organising activities to stimulate the awakening of the feeling of citizenship with the setting-up of visits and/or interventions, together with a special discovery day of London and finally the European week of languages in the school. – Using performing tools (language laboratories, audiovisual resources, etc. …), and also increasing the use of ICT. Our project allows a five-week-long mobility including a period of integration and a work experience from November 8, 2015 to December 12, 2015. On the one hand, it will be in Salamanca, Spain for 12 pupils (2 boys and 10 girls) from business studies, who are in their final year. On the other hand, 14 students (4 boys and 10 girls) from the Administrative and Management studies, will go to England. Since 2005, there is ample evidence that this experience of mobility contributes greatly to reduced absenteeism, to fight the dropout problem, to make easier our students' certification examinations, to pursue education and to their integration into employment.

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