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Project Skills Lab to work for people with Autism

The main problems the project wants to tackle, are the problems that adults with ASD encounter towards employment (due to Autism like for example communication problems, ...). They need a environment in their approach to work that offers enough structure and is autism-friendly to learn new skills. There is a lack of support after (and during) the school period or diagnosis to help them to work. The European Union however, wants to achieve the highest possible employment rate. In the Skills Lab people with ASD are being prepared/trained for their future employment in an ASD-friendly environment. Over the years few vocational training centres have developed a specific method for the support related to work by adapting the method of supported employment to the needs of this specific target group (adults with ASD). The methods and instrument have been proven very successful. A tailor-made answer concerning their labor question is still missing in many countries. Adults with ASD have severe problems to find a job on the open labour market. The project wants to make a contribution to maximize the professional integration of people with ASD. The project will enhance the skills of people with ASD and their environment (empowerment). Within the Avanti project the partners developed a life course model for the target group. This project wants to use the model (and vision) and apply it in the concept of the Skills Lab. The partnership will exchange, develop, inventorise and disseminate methods to the stakeholders within the field of education and work (an important transition). The 'Skill Lab' wants to help people with ASD to build their self-reliance, social skills and competences to work in a ASD-friendly environment. The Skills Lab is a setting with concrete support, where research on the skills and adjustments for employers are possible, to prepare professional integration. The Skills Lab is a workplace, a good environment to prepare for work where people with ASD are the priority, and yet offers enough challenge to work on their personal and professional skills regarding labour. The Skills Lab is a (pragmatic) knowledge centre for work and disability (and the context that is needed for social inclusion). The Skills Lab can have many concrete forms but is the combination of different methods and instrument of the partners involved. A pilot in Flanders for example wants to start a library as a learning/training environment for adults with ASD. The target group will build a library at Indigo (a specialist therapy centre). The library is also useful for gathering knowledge and for dissemination, but it could be another service that is provided as a work floor. Each partner (NL, UK, PT) will organize a different pilot to support people with ASD towards work in their region, the skills lab will also be organized in companies on the open labor market (labor continuum - scale of adjusted settings in the labor continuum).

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