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Project for higher education student and staff mobility between Programme Countries and Partner Countries
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In its policy statement for 2014-2018, the University Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne stressed that international influence is one of its five strategic priorities. Paris 1 aims at maintaining The its prominent place among the leading the notorious European and world universities, especially by strengthening the international dimension of masters’ degrees and doctoral courses and increasing opportunities for incoming and outgoing student mobility within our partnerships. Under this framework, the University’s international development shall be based on existing scientific cooperation that can be strengthened by agreements providing the possibility of student and teacher mobility. The Erasmus + mobility grants were consistent with this strategy since Paris 1 has a long-standing tradition of cooperation with the selected partner countries . Accordingly, Paris 1 chose to focus this Erasmus project on the Mediterranean region and the Middle-East. Indeed, it is one of the main grounds of its international presence and it represents an area of special scientific interest for several academic disciplines of Paris 1. Moreover, in spring 2011, the international relations department launched a broad participatory process which gave rise to a interdisciplinary program named “Sorbonne Méditerranée, Monde Arabe et Moyen-Orien”. The aim of this program is to provide support for international projects carried by lecturer-researchers and students working with this region. For example, our university has developed four Master courses devoted to this geographical area, ten dual degrees and two Erasmus Mundus masters’ and doctoral programs in collaboration with universities from the region. Moreover, besides creating the “Chair Sorbonne Maghreb” in January 2016, the University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne has been developing, since nearly thirty years, cooperation activites as well as student and teacher exchanges with universities from the south of the Mediterranean. Therefore, the project was structured around several universities in the area, which are considered as strategic partners. In some cases, Paris 1 could rely on academic programs in which the university is involved. This is especially the case in Egypt since the Erasmus + scholarships have enabled 8 students from Cairo University enrolled in academic programs co-managed by Paris 1 to perform one semester of their master in Paris ; and 2 French students who participated in the program in Cairo for one semester. This is also the case in Palestine since University Paris 1 is a member of a consortium supporting the Faculty of law, public administration and political science at Birzeit University. This enabled 3 Palestinian students to come to Paris 1. Furthermore, the close cooperation between Paris 1 and Lebanon, and especially the University of Kaslik, have been materialized through this international mobility project as Paris 1 hosted three Lebanese students and a French student was hosted by the University of Kaslik. Finally, in Tunisia, which is one of the first partners of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne in the Arab world especially in view of the long tradition of welcoming Tunisian students, scholarships allowed 4 students from the University of Manouba to stay in Paris for a semester. Besides the historic fondness for this region, University of Paris 1 tends to strengthen ties with Russia. Indeed, cooperations with the latter figure for many years among the strategic priorities of international policy of the University. These international mobility scholarships have enabled 4 students in law and economics to study at Paris 1 and a French student to attend classes in Russia. Therefore, these new mobility project has perfectly fulfilled the first objective of strengthening the close ties already established with our partners in particular by attracting to our university excellent students. In addition, this program is engaged in a dynamic carried by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development to train elites in French. Moreover, these new mobilities have led to participate in the development of the Francophonie and the political and cultural values associated, while providing French students with cultural and intellectual openness to other world regions. Finally, in the view of declining purchasing power in many partner countries, obtaining these scholarships has not challenged a mobility to our establishment. These credit mobilities have enabled students to pursue their academic program, without compromising their academic background, while strengthening our commitment to our partners in this difficult economic environment.

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