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Start date: Jun 15, 2016, End date: Jun 14, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

By this proposal 1st EPAL Komotini as Sending Organisation offers its students a vocational training placement –internship at an Italian workplace in Rimini . This mobility activity Is set within ERASMUS + Call for Proposals of 2016- KA1 and within a quality framework agreed upon the Sending organization – 1st EPAL and the Host Organisation –Sistema Turismo . 12 beneficiaries -students will undertake a placement in an Italian enterprise that fits well with the speciality (trade) they attend in 1st EPAL. The mobility program will take place in Rimini from 14-11-2016 until 27-11-2016 and it will include 10 day internship in various enterprises and socio cultural activities organized by the Host Partner.The learning outcomes will formally recognized and assessed following the ECVET procedure.The objectives of this proposal are1) to Strengthen the European orientation of participants , to promote common European values like democracy, European dialogue, equal opportunities, social integration ,citizenship, and enhance the intercultural understanding 2 ) to enhance the employability of young people -especially young women and people with disadvantaged background (social and economic) through mobility on the European labor market and creating new employment horizons 3 ) to promote the social inclusion and the sense of belonging to a larger community under the European perspective 4 ) to enhance the attractiveness of vocational education and training and offer a positive mobility experience in a friendly country with strong relationship with greek civilization (greek roman civilization)5) to foster the personal development and professional betterment of young greek people of Thrace6 ) recognition and certification of knowledge and skills acquired through the mobility plan - Europass mobility certificate supplement and ECVET- system transfer , recognition and accumulation of credits corresponding to knowledge skills acquired in non-formal education context and workplace, enriching the individual participant's portfolio not only for use in the labor market , but also for personal growth.7) to gain the experience of living and working in Italy, a Mediterranean country with heavy industry, long history , cradle of arts, architecture, trade and culture and great socioeconomic differences between north and south. 8) to motivate the learning of foreign languages (practicing English and English terminology and learning of basic Italian dialogues for everyday communication ) 9) To cultivate the cooperation spirit and the teamwork10) to highlight the benefits of apprenticeship and encourage the graduates of 1st EPAL to continue their studies attending a post upper –secondary year of VET studies including apprenticeship - as prescribed by the law no.4186 /2013
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1 Partners Participants