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Profissionais para a Europa
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This is a two year-project, from 09/2015 to 09/2017 and is related to the school internationalization policy with the following main objectives: -improving the level of basic and soft skills, with special relevance in the world of work and its contribution to social cohesion, especially between the world of education, training and work; -to promote transnational cooperation between education and the various vocational training agents; -support the modernization of education and vocational education through the sharing and dissemination of good practice; -to promote the international dimension of education and vocational training mobility and cooperation between the partners involved. S. João da Madeira is a markedly industrial city with strong ties to the international market. Providing our students skills reinforced by international experience in the workplace, will promote greater capacity and better responses to labour market needs and fight youth unemployment. The opportunity created through the mobility of teachers and young people will allow their integration into a work culture in England and Germany that will bring additional knowledge to the way we work in training in vocational courses, integrating them in a European context, promoting the necessary interaction for the success of a united and more competitive Europe. This is also a knowledge development opportunity of a language that is recognized as an essential tool in the job market. With this experience we also want to enhance motivation for learning throughout life. The preparation activities are divided between the various partners, so that each corresponds effectively to the project needs, according to their professional experience. Part of this plan are also promotion activities at an early stage, applications, selection of candidates, specific preparation of the participants in the internship program / training, linguistic and cultural preparation of the participants, preparation of mobility as far as travelling, accommodation, insurance; preparation of reports and portfolios are concerned. VET mobility: Duration 30 days First flow, April 2016, to Berlin, 3 students of Electronics, Automation and Control (EAC); 3 students of Mechatronics (MEC), 3 students of Graphic Design (DG) and 2 of Audio-visual (AV). Second flow, April 2016 for Portsmouth, 2 students of Communication-Marketing, Public Relations and Advertising (CMRPP); 3 of Commerce (COM), 3 Computer Systems Programming (GPSI) and 3 of Computer Equipment Management (GEI). For the third flow, June 2016, to Berlin, 4 EAC students; 4 MEC; 4 GPSI; 4 of GEI; 4 COM; 4 AV; 2 CMRPP and 2 DG. Total of the first year: 50 students and 10 teachers. In the second year the mobility plans are similar except in the course of COM (a student less). Total of the two years: 99 students Mobility in vocational training abroad The Project also includes a total of 46 teachers, 35 to Berlin and 11 for Portsmouth over 6 flows and equally chosen among the same areas of the students in mobility. In total, the project covers 145 people. There are also planned follow-up activities of the whole process of which we highlight permanent contacts with the partner organizations (telephone, email and skype). For evaluation, we will use questionnaires, evaluation forms and reports of performance and also satisfaction. After the training, the participants will present their eportfolios, with evidence of their knowledge and will be asked to reflect on the experience to consolidate it and project it into their professional future in terms of career and, on a personal level, in relationship with the European society, being part of it in a positive and responsible way. It is expected that the autonomy gained with the international experience, with the need to solve problems in a context outside their comfort zone, is the engine for the confident demand for new personal and professional challenges. This experience and this increase in self-confidence of the participants will be essential in the dissemination of the project among colleagues. We wish to increase the interest in participating in mobility projects every year. The dissemination of project results and its dissemination will be made through meetings, seminars, presentations, workshops at school, newspaper articles, articles and pictures on social networks, school web page, the site created for the project, as well as European platform for dissemination EVE.
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2 Partners Participants