European Projects
Professioni Socio sanitarie in Europa
Professioni Socio sanitarie in Europa
Start date: Dec 15, 2015,
End date: Dec 14, 2016
"Professioni Socio sanitarie in Europa" is a mobility project focuses on two profiles "medium and low-skill" related to the world of health-care that aims to facilitate the transition to the labor market of two groups of young people (aged between 20 and 32 years), coming from training accredited professional centers wishing to take an traineeship abroad within one year from graduation, in particular: qualified young people (recent graduates) who already have the status of Social-welfare operator (OSA) and who have passed requalification courses for Social Health Operator (OSS); and qualified young people (recent graduates) who have completed a basic training course aimed at obtaining the OSS or OSA qualification.There are several relevant themes addressed by the project: Health and well-being, the issues relating to the labor market in terms of career guidance and combat youth unemployment (especially for the segments of the population at greatest risk of social exclusion), the overcoming of the inadequacy of basic and trasversal skills that these professionals are experiencing in their educational context starting and at professional level in order to enhance the quality of performance very different, depending on whether they work in nursing homes and / or home care services.They are, in fact, people able to respond adequately to the strong needs of an aging population and to the difficulty of families to take charge of situations of mental and physical disabilities. The transnational partnership consists of 9 partner organizations working for years in Spain, Portugal, France and Ireland. Flows of eight weeks sending will be realized. The project aims to implement an internship working aimed at bridging the mismatch between the outgoing skills provided by the courses financed by the public or private system and the input skills requests from companies that want to recruit.The training moment begins before departure with the pedagogical and cultural preparation, time guidance and introduction to the experience to facilitate a previous knowledge on the destination country, on the environment and type of work. The traineeship in company will take place at both health facilities and social. It is expected abroad a monitoring and constant tutoring of participants. According to professional profile referential of the fourteen participants, the mobility project provides, in order to promote their "competitive employment", the recognition and transfer of skills through the device ECVET in its report to the EQF and the use of the Europass Mobility.Some results are directly related to the participants, other to partnership and the whole mobility project. In particular, the single PARTICIPANT increase his own professional skills in the healthcare sector by enhancing both the technical and experiential and transverse (linguistic, interpersonal, intercultural, etc.). will be encouraged and facilitated in its "competitive employment" at European level thanks to the spendability of the certifications acquired. The network of receiving organizations will benefit from improved standards of quality and reliability in the management of professional training through the comparison with a training system of which individual participants will be carriers.For SFA-Soluzioni Formative Avanzate is an important opportunity to implement a right DEVELOPMENT EUROPEAN PLAN in many ways. The different mobility activities combined by this project, well integrated together, will be able to promote a high strategic development of our organization, building a network with partner organizations to realize an European dimension, in particolar:to enhance some skills project staff useful to the process of internationalization of the organisation; implement the accreditation as Provider for Continuing Medical Education to start advanced training courses, recognized, validated and certified in the social-health sector.In this context, attention will be given since the beginning of the activities, to the phase of involvement, in terms of dissemination and diffusion, of the target project reference at the regional level, consisting of a number of stakeholders such as training centers accredited for ECM, institutions and healthcare organizations, employers' associations and professional health workers. Finally, the project aims to contribute to the priorities of the Europe 2020 making concrete "the health care mobility."